So let me give a rundown of the movie, don't worry I won't ruin it for you. I guess honestly it's a movie you can't ruin...
Jake is one of the most popular kids in school, is on the basketball team, gets a scholarship to his dream school, and has a beautiful girlfriend. A kid in his school, from his past, ends up shooting up the school and then taking his own life. Jake then starts to think about what if he stayed his friends and said hi, in stead of complete ditching like he did the last four years of high school. This starts to really bug him, then a youth pastor invites him to church. Not having a great family life he ends up going to the church. And at first he is turned down, but the persistant youth pastor. Not pressuring God all the time, just talks, talks. This talking gets to him, he starts to listen to devotionals and reads his bible, but yet he doesn't want to take on the full relationship with God. Continues to go to the parties, but then notices his life to change before him. Starts to wonder, what's so great about the life I am living now. He goes to church for the second time in a week, which is a complete shocker to him that you can even do that. And he brings his girlfriend. His girlfriend feels awkward because she is afraid of being judged, and ironically Chris, the youth pastor, mentioned the places that people are afraid of and the church being number one. He tells the kids to think about who they have ignored or looked at weirdly for 30 seconds in silence. And like any youth group, you have kids whispering, texting, and giggling, and Jake gets up and tells them that what they are doing is taking this for granted and that his girlfriend just left because she is afraid of being judged. So then the youth group decides to have lunch together, and just invite people....
Let's just say there is alot more to this story and well Jake does end up talking to the silent and unseen and invites them to the group and starts real relationships with them. Sticks up for them. Uses Roger's, the friend that shot up the school, myspace page to inform people about teen suicide and what to do. Then it becomes a site where people can talk and alot of people related and confessed.
Let's just say this movie is amazing. I loved it. I would watch it again so many times. I definitely recommend it to youth pastors. Take your youth group, buy the dvd when it comes out. I know I will. It really made me think on how I can be the Jake at my church and my school.
Let me tell you. I used to be one of the unseen and silent people, no one would ever come up and speak to me and well, I just learned that i had to go up to people... but the thing was I felt like I was butting in and I had no purpose being there and well it hurt, there were many times I thought about leaving the youth group, but I didn't have any other way to learn about God, and well I really wanted to learn. There were times I was challenged to speak to the unseen and silent at my high school, and I wish I did it more than I did.
So do it. Take your kids, take your family, take your youth group, take your church, and take your friends. But make sure you see this movie. It'll make you think in ways you should have been thinking if you haven't already.
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It won't be a waste of your time or money, trust me.