One thing that's been on my mind and even my heart lately has been this issue of COMFORT.
Yeah it's nice to feel comfortable for a while, but is it good to feel too much comfort?
I personally think so, or maybe that's something God's been teaching me. I have been at Central Church of the Nazarene for about seven years... is that a long time? I don't know for some people it isn't, but for me it feels as if it does. I am a Military Brat and so I have moved alot, well... not as much as I could have. But I've moved enough that ten years in one place is a long time.
Don't get me wrong, I love my church. The people there. But why do I feel a need for change? I feel almost too comfortable. I am really active at my church, but I just don't feel challenged or convicted enough, or like that we aren't talking about things that's been on my heart. Like the book of Revelation. I hear so much about end times and now realizing that I don't know a lot about it myself. I feel like I should know more. How else can I be prepared for the second coming of Jesus, Yeshua. I mean if He were to come tomorrow, even tonight, how would I know. I mean yes, no one knows the exact time of Christ's arrival back to earth, but I feel I should know what's been happening.
But that's another topic for another time when I read the book, I'll be sure to keep you in the loop.
But is comfort bad? I think so... maybe... at least I think I do, what do you think.