I was soo excited when I found out that in the fall that the fall tour is not only going to epically awesome with the competition of Schools for Schools, but they just mentioned that they will be sending adovocated from each school that is represented by the different regions of the country. I am sooo excited.
Ha can you tell that I am excited?!?
I have been thinking about this as a decision for a while now and well if I don't get it, I will apply until I do get the position honestly. Unless they tell me flat out that they don't want me
Think about it. Me. Going to schools, churches, anywhere we can get a screening. Tell people about the atrocities going on in Eastern Africa, but not only telling them the bad but also the good. Telling them that we, high school and college age students, have sent more money over to Uganda for education more than the US and the UN combined! How ridiculous is that. Getting people excited about raising money for these children. Living in a van, seeing the world from the eyes of the curious. Excited to see what around the next corner.
I know this is what God wants me to do. I have prayed about this for over a year now, and then some. I think I know, but I do know that God has every right to take it away from me if I loose sight of what this is really about.
So I ask all of you for prayer, that God will guide me to where he wants me to be and go.
"I will go, I will go, I will go, Lord send me, to the world, to the lost, to the poor and hungry, take everything I am, I'm clay within your hands, I will go, I will go Send me." - Starfield, "I Will Go"