So I had a dream last Friday, March 18, 2011, night. And I absolutely have to tell you about this dream. The amazing part is that I haven't been consciencely been thinking about the out pouring of God's spirit over JCCC is a long time. This is where I want to begin. I can honestly tell you though I don't know what happened at the beginning of the dream, but right before the part I am most excited about I was hanging out with some new friends I had just made at JCCC.
I was walking on "my JCCC campus" (it's mine cause there are parts that look like JCCC and there are parts that I have added to it or maybe they do exist I just haven't been there yet). I remember walking with a group of friends and then I had looked up and saw a sign that said, "GPR" and an arrow going left. Which at the IHOP-KC is the "Global Prayer Room." I remember getting super excited and smiling and jumping and thinking, " Oh my goodness. It can't be it. That's awesome." I followed the arrows and the signs that led me to this room that was reminded me very much of the Craig Auditorium. I remember walking in not seeing Wes, who was the guy that typically led intercession prayers during the Awakening Services at IHOP, but I heard his voice saying, "Welcome to JCCC student awakening." And I looked on stage and to my surprise I saw Matt Gilman on stage smiling. As I looked into the room it was much brighter than the Craig normally is. There wasn't alot of people in there and I well didn't recognize alot of them either. I remember walking in there with my arms raised high praising God for this service and room. As soon as I grabbed my seat Matt started playing "Every Captive Free."
I will post the lyrics of that song soon, but now every time I hear that song it will remind to pray for an outpouring on JCCC or other collge campuses.