So as a Christian, you are told since basically day one that you really should partake in prayer and reading the Bible. You never really quite understand why until you go through what I went through this week.
I can tell that the past month, or even this year so far has been so amazing. I have been on a walk with God that's been much higher than I have in the past. I have been so hungry for God's word and continual communication with him, and not just at certain times of the day. God has also been placing great people in my life as a example, or people I should be walking along side with in my walk with God. These people are also so hungry for God. They love telling people about God's love, or even just showing them God's love. It's just been a great walk.
Although, I didn't think about it. I woke up Monday morning and well, I felt like I was in a hurry, and I really wasn't. When I got to JCCC, I really wanted to do a prayer walk and really invite people to the Bible study that happened at noon. The devil really tempted me and dug into me, and I gave in. I went and sat in a corner of the school and made cards, I just felt so guilty, so bad. I felt even more upset with myself when NO ONE showed up to Bible Study. I didn't tell Andy or Caylee that I was planning on inviting people, and I felt it was my fault.
I didn't really think anything of it until today. Even Tuesday, I didn't make an effort to pray or study His word. I just felt down in the dumps. But I can tell you that was partially a lie. I worked, so when I work, I leave home an hour early to get to work on time. And I spend any extra time in the library that's right next door and spend that time praying. I did spend some time and it just renewed my spirit.
Then today, I was just so excited cause I remembered out InterVarsity's "reverse bake sale." Yes, that's right, reverse bake sale. What is it? It's when we give baked goods away, when people that stop by and answer a thought provoking question and/or give a prayer request. We are basically wanting to spark up conversations with people and share God's love with them. And pray for them as needed. We did something like this before and it was great. Last time we received prayer requests mainly in prayer for healing and wanting to draw closer to Him; this time they were heart-breaking, at least for me. I noticed though that there are still a ton of people hungry for God. JCCC is hungry for God.
Went off a little bit, but this is just one example of why you should pray and study His word often and daily, if not weekly. It just helps to keep your mind set. I love it.
God bless.