Lately, I have been surrounding myself around some pretty awesome Christians and then some who are just either starting off and don't know where they are going, or those who have been Christians their entire life and are starting to slowly fade away from God. Hanging around these people, I have been starting to wonder, where am I with my relationship with God? What do I have to offer Him? What am I really thankful for? And when I think of the answers for these things, this is how I feel...
I feel I am slowly fading away from God. I have been a Christian for basically my entire life, ever since I was like 7 or 9 years old. So, I know the Sunday School answers. I know the typical Bible verses like, "For God so loved the world..," "I know the plans for you declares the Lord." And just right now that doesn't feel like it's enough.
I have these great friends, when we talk, they say like "In my little Bible study time this morning this is what I learned blah, blah, blah." It makes me think. It makes me wonder. Why am I not doing this? If I say I want to learn more and I want to know the answers to the difficult questions in life. WHY don't I take that 5, 10, 20, 30, or even an hour out of my day to study God's word.
I pray, yes I pray. I pray alot. I love to pray. I love talking to God. Maybe not out loud and in front of people, but I love to pray.
But that's not enough in a Christian's walk isn't it? NO!!!
I know praying is good. But if you have thoughts or questions, I know going through God's Word will sometimes answer those prayer requests, the questions I ask God. So here's my question...
What is going to make me want to wake up in the morning and pull out my Bible and start reading?
What it going to make me like my friend, Dulce, thank God for the blessing of living another day? Cause I don't honestly do that...
What is going to make me like the lady TobyMac talked about on Air1 Radio on the City on Our Knees clip? To my goals for the day, her goals of her day...
1. Thanking God for waking to another day.
2. Asking God where He's already working.
3. Participating in where He's already working
I look at my life... I may be being too harsh on myself. I just don't see a Christian. Yes, I am a Christian. I accepted Christ into my life. I pray. I go to church almost every opportunity. I listen to Christian music. I sometimes read the Bible, I should be reading it more. I just don't feel like I am living the way Christ did on this earth. Is that fair to say? I don't know.
What's bringing this on in my life? I think God.
I think God is waking me up for the first time in many months saying that Laura, you really need to get into My Word. I don't want another Bible study where you'll stay quiet, but maybe with a friend, who you feel comfortable talking to and asking questions and keeping each other accountable... Laura, you've never had that. You need it. Even if it means actually waking up early and meeting with someone at a coffeeshop or something, you need someone.
And all of this. Its true. If I don't have someone, if you don't have someone, counting you accountable for getting into God's word then will you be lucky like me and have the certain friends, and certain events to take place for God to shake you and wake you up saying you can't just pray... You NEED to get into My Word.
Take an adventure with me through my blog and... all that comes with it: my thoughts, ideas, passions, events, my relationship with God, and anything else that goes on in my life. Are you ready for the adventure? Can you handle it?
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
What Does Worship Look Like To You?
What does WORSHIP look like to you?
Does it include dancing in your underwear? Giving all that you have? Journalling? Singing? Playing instruments? Writing poetry? Painting? Drawing? Talking? Lying in complete awe and adoration? 10,000 strong singing together woshipping the God most high? Telling others about how much you love God? Acting? Blogging? Making videos? Writing stories? Writing music?
You probably get it.
I know for me personally, worshipping this amazing God includes: painting, designing shirts, drawing, singing, listening to music, praying, journalling, worshipping with others, dancing, and just sitting or laying in awe of God's glory.
What makes you want to worship this amazing God of ours?
Nature? Friends? Ending results of events? What you read in the Bible? Having things you need or overlooked? Someone coming to Christ?
I know for me, it's almost anything. Mainly nature gets me everytime. There's just sooo much details in nature to think that a God so ominimous would create things with such detail to the tiniest detail. I see things as a painting sometimes. Almost quite literally, especially the sky, I feel that it's a painting and I can see every little paint stroke that created the clouds in the sky from every vibrant color. The beautiful leaves around this time of year and the flowers of the spring. The smiles and laughter on little kids faces. It just makes my heart smile. When something for the best turns to praise God, I can't help but do the same.
How could you not praise a God that gives you breath everyday? A place to sleep. Shoes to wear. Food to eat... even if it's not the best food. An education. Friends. Family, even if we don't like them. Talents. Walking. Speaking. Sight. Hearing.
I'm Glad... Very Glad My Friends Aren't Blobs
You've heard it before, "If were all blobs, life would be good, no one would make fun of other people, no one would look richer or poorer than the other... etc, etc." Well I think that's wrong, some if not most think it's wrong too.
I am glad my friends weren't blobs. We wouldn't have the conversations we do, we wouldn't be pushing others as far as we do, we wouldn't have talents that when combined is like a frickin' amazing painting or beautiful symphony.
You some of you hear my talking about my other friends and how sometimes they can be a little annoying at times. AND hey don't get mad at me, cause I know you think I am annoying at times too! I like that though.
A good friendship, I believe is going to have fights and trials. It's life. Without trials, you probably wouldn't grow much as a person and you wouldn't know what you as a person or a friendship is capable of.
You are my friend, and there's no way that we exactly the same or it would be boring, honestly. Just be you and no one else. If God loves you for you, then I love you for you!
I am glad my friends weren't blobs. We wouldn't have the conversations we do, we wouldn't be pushing others as far as we do, we wouldn't have talents that when combined is like a frickin' amazing painting or beautiful symphony.
You some of you hear my talking about my other friends and how sometimes they can be a little annoying at times. AND hey don't get mad at me, cause I know you think I am annoying at times too! I like that though.
A good friendship, I believe is going to have fights and trials. It's life. Without trials, you probably wouldn't grow much as a person and you wouldn't know what you as a person or a friendship is capable of.
You are my friend, and there's no way that we exactly the same or it would be boring, honestly. Just be you and no one else. If God loves you for you, then I love you for you!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Schools for Schools at a New Heights!
So I've heard about Invisible Children since about 2006. I was 15 at the time, and honestly didn't think about Invisible Children as I do now, my first thought with Invisible Children was that it was another non-profit that wanted my money.
I look back and think, I can't believe I thought that. But it makes sense cause I didn't do research or watch the documentaries.
I have been active with Invisible Children since fall of 2008. My senior year of high school. The fall before the amazing months and night of my life, which lead to so much more to who I am today.
Alot of you know all of this about me, but today I was looking back on The Rescue, Lobby Days, and the crazy ideas that came with Schools for Schools.
So in the past before I attended JCCC, I heard they were awesome. So awesome that it landed JCCC in the radar of Invisible Children HQ.
Since then I have tried so hard to live up to that expectation and to me previous semesters have failed money wise, although so much more was complished. Multicultural night and the annonymous donor. Dodgeball Tournaments.
Now I do believe that this semester, yes this semester, will bring JCCC back to their radar in case it ever left. Why do I say that? Because currently, today (November 12, 10:06p), JCCC is in third place in our cluster with $2,550. Amazing right?!?
Well that's not all. This last Wednesday, the leaders of Invisible Children Club met with the Center for Student Involvement at JCCC to discuss the screening for this upcoming Tuesday(November 16th, 7p; which you are all welcome to come!). And me having the heart of a Roadie. It came out during the meeting. I told them the statistics I have learned in the past years from previous Roadies and certain Advocates from Uganda. They were shocked, one even got goosebumps. They got so excited that they wanted to help fundraise!!!! So now Invisible Children Club and Student Senate are in a competition to see who can raise the most money before Schools for Schools is over. It's fun competition, but JCCC is going sooo much father than I have ever seen for Invisible Children! And I am so excited! So excited that I may be able to go to the San Diego Summit.
Not only is all of this exciting, but this next Friday is our first Jammin' for Change Benefit Concert! I am so excited to have some great bands such as: Not A Planet, Le Grand, Brent Lee, Elevator Action, I am excited that over 100 people say they are attending on Facebook. Which means in my mind we can raise sooo much money. So much. We may be able to meet our goal of $2,500.
Even though this is exciting too. What could be more exciting you may ask. Well in 8 days, President Obama is going to be releasing a strategy to apprehending Joseph Kony, leading comander of the Lords Resistance Army, and the other commanders. It's just so close I can see the children returning home to schools in Uganda that are sooo much better conditions than when they left them.
I look back and think, I can't believe I thought that. But it makes sense cause I didn't do research or watch the documentaries.
I have been active with Invisible Children since fall of 2008. My senior year of high school. The fall before the amazing months and night of my life, which lead to so much more to who I am today.
Alot of you know all of this about me, but today I was looking back on The Rescue, Lobby Days, and the crazy ideas that came with Schools for Schools.
So in the past before I attended JCCC, I heard they were awesome. So awesome that it landed JCCC in the radar of Invisible Children HQ.
Since then I have tried so hard to live up to that expectation and to me previous semesters have failed money wise, although so much more was complished. Multicultural night and the annonymous donor. Dodgeball Tournaments.
Now I do believe that this semester, yes this semester, will bring JCCC back to their radar in case it ever left. Why do I say that? Because currently, today (November 12, 10:06p), JCCC is in third place in our cluster with $2,550. Amazing right?!?
Well that's not all. This last Wednesday, the leaders of Invisible Children Club met with the Center for Student Involvement at JCCC to discuss the screening for this upcoming Tuesday(November 16th, 7p; which you are all welcome to come!). And me having the heart of a Roadie. It came out during the meeting. I told them the statistics I have learned in the past years from previous Roadies and certain Advocates from Uganda. They were shocked, one even got goosebumps. They got so excited that they wanted to help fundraise!!!! So now Invisible Children Club and Student Senate are in a competition to see who can raise the most money before Schools for Schools is over. It's fun competition, but JCCC is going sooo much father than I have ever seen for Invisible Children! And I am so excited! So excited that I may be able to go to the San Diego Summit.
Not only is all of this exciting, but this next Friday is our first Jammin' for Change Benefit Concert! I am so excited to have some great bands such as: Not A Planet, Le Grand, Brent Lee, Elevator Action, I am excited that over 100 people say they are attending on Facebook. Which means in my mind we can raise sooo much money. So much. We may be able to meet our goal of $2,500.
Even though this is exciting too. What could be more exciting you may ask. Well in 8 days, President Obama is going to be releasing a strategy to apprehending Joseph Kony, leading comander of the Lords Resistance Army, and the other commanders. It's just so close I can see the children returning home to schools in Uganda that are sooo much better conditions than when they left them.
I don't know how people could not love a organization like this.
I mean they don't just focus on the children, they also focus on their families and providing them with jobs to support their families and allow their children to attend schools.
I got a bracelet for Christmas in 2008. It's not your ordinary bracelet. This bracelet was made from reeds grown in Uganda, made by a Ugandan woman, and tells the story of a child affected by war.
My child's name was Grace. A girl who was raped, and kept her child. Who never stopped smiling, even after what happened. Grace, too, was a woman apart of Invisible Children's bracelet campaign and supported her family through this. Now I just read on Invisible Children's blog, that Grace is now going to be working with MEND, another way Invisible Children helps woman in Uganda. I just hope when I do buy a bag from MEND that Grace's name will be in it, just so I know that I am still supporting her all these years.
Just think her children might even go to Gulu Senior Secondary. A school I helped to rebuild through my many years apart of Invisible Children. That would be absolutely amazing! I am even being really touched by this thought. If this happened, I would absolutely cry, and be so happy to know that I've been apart of an organization that's been with someone for so long, since childhood, to motherhood. Amazing.
If you don't know Invisible Children, please check them out.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
We Are So Close...
It's been a while since I've blogged, but this one is important. Amazing awesome.
This last Friday, I went to a Starfield concert and if you know me at all, you would know that they are my absolute favorite band, their worship really comes from the heart and they let the Holy Spirit move. But that's not what I am going to talk about. During their mid-show, Tim came on stage talked about how it may be a little doing it but they were going to show us a video of Starfield's trip to... where else but Uganda. As one could imagine, as soon as he said that word, I fell. Literally. As we watched the video almost every scene in the beginning reminded me of different parts of each Invisible Children documentaries. Then I started tearing up. Then they showed a part of Tim and Jon talking to this girl, Aranya, whose family just left the displacement camps to their home. Before this part, I forgot to mention that they put a part that was kind of, very briefly, explaining what's going on in Uganda. Which you could guess, made me cry. As Tim and Jon talked to Aranya, the more and more I thought of Papito, Tony, Proscovia, Jacob, and all my other Ugandan friends. Aranya took them to her home and she had a pictures she drew on the wall with chalk and charcoal, and that made me just sooo emotional cause it just reminded me of the ministry that I really want to do or be apart of. On the wall behind Tim was the phrase, "God's grace" or in their language it would be, "Opwoyo Rwot." I only know that from the Grace documentary from Invisible Children. Then Aranya talked about how she wanted to go to school to be a nurse, but she couldn't afford it. And yet again it reminded me of the Legacy Scholarship Fund through Invisible Children and how my dad is helping some of these children get an education.
After this video, I was telling my friend that I can't believe that they went to Uganda, that's like where my heart is right now. She said, well Uganda is becoming very popular right now. At first, I was like yeah it is becoming popular, I am not one to be apart of something that's popular. Then the more and more I thought about it, the more and more happy I became.
This war in Uganda and now Eastern-Northern Africa that's been unseen for over 23 years is now becoming seen. These children that are forced to kill and were once invisible are now becoming visible. And I praise only God for that. He has blessed these many organizations that are helping to make it known to the world so we can finally do something about it.
We are just so close to seeing the end of this. November 20th, which is only 12 days away, is the day that President Obama is suppose to release a strategy to apprehend Joseph Kony and his leading commanders. Which could make capturing Joseph Kony a reality. Something in the near future. Where these children may be able to come home to their families. Their communities. Their friends. It's just so close. I mean people are finally leaving those disgraceful displacement camps to live in their homes now.
We are sooo close. Tell your friends. Show the documentaries. Host a screening. Check and see when the Invisible Children Roadies may be coming to your area.
I know hear in the Kansas City area they will be at Johnson County Community College on November 16th, in the Craig Auditorium, at 7p. Be there!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Music... Simple but Powerful
I love music.
I could end this blog right there. I mean I volunteer at concerts, my car is very rarely quiet, when it is quiet songs are playing my head, I sing to myself. I just love music. God made music for a reason.
Reasons being that we can worship Him with our mouth, heart, and well your entire body. Also He uses music to reach to the deepest parts of our souls and minds, touch parts that we didn't realize we had.
God uses music. Music is life. The very air we breathe, our very heart beat, the train, the tapping of my keyboard. It's all music. We walk and talk in rhythm. Our life is rhythm. We talk in pitch for the most part.
Stop and listen... what do you hear... I can tell I hear the song, "Tonight," by TobyMac. A great song.
Do you just listen to song or do you REALLY listen to the words?
Those very words can change your life. I believe God uses music to tell us something.
That's why I supported my local Air1 Radio in Kansas City. Even though it wasn't alot, it's honestly a sacrafice for me, and that's what I felt God telling me to give. I volunteer for Air1 Radio. If Air1 Radio didn't exist, I wouldn't have met the people I have, the bands that I have. I wouldn't have designed or sketched out ideas for them. Then MIKESCHAIR wouldn't have created a design that was inspired by my design.
The situation I was or am in right now, God wouldn't have told me to deal with it, and make sure what I am doing is for the glory for him and nothing else. He wouldn't have prevented me from suicide or cutting by playing, "How He Loves" by David Crowder Band. His love is just so overwhelming and my cup is overflowing with his love and yet he has so much more to give.
So next time your favorite song comes on the air or on your Ipod, really take the time to listen to the words and maybe see what God is trying to tell you. Maybe even pray that song. Like I pray this song called, "I Will Go" by Starfield, perfect when you are truely opened to being used by God no matter where he wants you to go.
I could end this blog right there. I mean I volunteer at concerts, my car is very rarely quiet, when it is quiet songs are playing my head, I sing to myself. I just love music. God made music for a reason.
Reasons being that we can worship Him with our mouth, heart, and well your entire body. Also He uses music to reach to the deepest parts of our souls and minds, touch parts that we didn't realize we had.
God uses music. Music is life. The very air we breathe, our very heart beat, the train, the tapping of my keyboard. It's all music. We walk and talk in rhythm. Our life is rhythm. We talk in pitch for the most part.
Stop and listen... what do you hear... I can tell I hear the song, "Tonight," by TobyMac. A great song.
Do you just listen to song or do you REALLY listen to the words?
Those very words can change your life. I believe God uses music to tell us something.
That's why I supported my local Air1 Radio in Kansas City. Even though it wasn't alot, it's honestly a sacrafice for me, and that's what I felt God telling me to give. I volunteer for Air1 Radio. If Air1 Radio didn't exist, I wouldn't have met the people I have, the bands that I have. I wouldn't have designed or sketched out ideas for them. Then MIKESCHAIR wouldn't have created a design that was inspired by my design.
The situation I was or am in right now, God wouldn't have told me to deal with it, and make sure what I am doing is for the glory for him and nothing else. He wouldn't have prevented me from suicide or cutting by playing, "How He Loves" by David Crowder Band. His love is just so overwhelming and my cup is overflowing with his love and yet he has so much more to give.
So next time your favorite song comes on the air or on your Ipod, really take the time to listen to the words and maybe see what God is trying to tell you. Maybe even pray that song. Like I pray this song called, "I Will Go" by Starfield, perfect when you are truely opened to being used by God no matter where he wants you to go.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
If Only It Were Longer...
It happened this last Friday(8th), and ended tonight(9th). Like my title says, I wish that it was at least another day longer.
Even though it was shorter than what I am use to for retreats, I got to get to know the people that are apart of the JCCC InterVarsity Chapter. I am so happy that the people were able to come were able to get off work even if it were last minute, I was happy to see them there. There were ummm.... Rebekah, Caylee, Beth, Andy, Jon, Jake, Jason, Joey, and me!!! And yes we did have all those guys with names that started with "j's."
At first I can honestly tell you that I wasn't really sure what I was going to get out of being there. I can tell you that I needed this break. I can tell you honestly that what I was happy about at the beginning of the retreat wasn't the same thing I was happy about at the end.
To say the least, I had things on my mind that was a hinderous from what God wanted me to listen for. Whether it was certain people, certain to-do's, certain events, or anything else. I learned very quickly that it was not what I needed to focus on. I needed to focus on what God wanted to teach me this weekend. And I do feel that God is going to continue speaking to me, even tomorrow. I will seriously cry if what the sermon is about is anything we discussed.
Because I was doing all of this avoiding, I missed out on some great times... like going to the gazebo and singing worship, which I heard the end and it sounded like fun. Even though it was the end, you could really tell that God was there. Even as we were worshipping this amazing God that created the stars we stared at, the leaves that changed before our eyes, the friendships that bonded and grew; He was dancing and singing over and with us.
Even though I did spend alot of time alone, I did something I really haven't done in the longest time and I missed it. I painted, I sketched, I colored, and I just enjoyed God's creation through it, whether it was taking Andy's face and turning it into Jesus and using multiple mediums, or even painting a fall inspired by what I saw. It was beautiful. I was in awe. I AM in awe. How a God so large and powerful would take time to put sooo much details in the world we live in and make it so the leaves when they die turn into something absolutely goregous!!!
Ahhhh!!! That's it! There are so many things in life that when they die or something bad happens, something beautiful typically comes out of it. It's so much like us. Before we know Christ, we are ugly sinners. When we know Christ we take that dead 'skin' off and underneath in a beautiful new creation, but we also keep a peice of that 'dead skin' so it can be a testimony of what God has done in our lives.
(crazy, I, too, and still learning from God even from my experience this weekend)
I have learned soo much about my new friends. I love them all so much. They are all beautiful, inside and out. It's very true. It's just really funny how different the people from the JCCC chapter are, but yet we all have one thing in common and that's Christ. That's what makes us really get along. We are so open with one another. I just hope that we will continue to get to know one another. This group, this semester, seems to very ministry oriented. And I LOVE IT!!!! We can help each other, we all reach different people. We all have people around us we can minister to, and those people are around for a reason. Like I learned how open all of these friends are to doing God's will, even if it means stepping out of a comfort zone. AHHHH!!!! Sorry, but it's just so exciting what God's gonna do with us the rest of this semester, it seems that a fire is lit; I pray that it will never go down. May reach out to those we said we would.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Ok.. so It's What Day 3 Now, and It's Time
So, I feel like this social media fast is getting easier from everyday not using it. Along with it being easy, I hit these obstacles like people telling me they're surprised I am even doing it. Surprised that I can do. Surprised that it would be that hard.
I try telling them, it may not be hard for you... and I honestly didn't think about til I did this fast... I AM addicted to Facebook, and before this, I could see myself growing an addiction to twitter. I am a little sad though that I am not sure where I can figure out how Aaron Shust and Matt Hammitt's boys are doing. All I know is from my perspective, all I can do it pray. Pray that what ever is going on good or bad that God knows the situation and their needs and that's all I can pray. I can also praise that many others are praying and the power of prayer is going to impact the life of these families.
I can tell you that is getting easier, but also I sometimes catching myself just casually, like it's no big deal about to hit the Facebook button on my phone, but control myself and scroll down and hit that doodle jump button... just so you know doodle jump is this totally awesome, totally addicting game. Maybe I'll have to fast from that too soon. hahaha.
I totally heard that my blog got a shout-out from Sean Copeland, from Air1 Radio morning show DJs Sean and Mandy. I want to say thanks! I give you guys a shout out and I'll have to wake up alittle bit earlier to hear how you guys are doing on your fast.
So I know I have been wanting to grow closer to God and you know since the beginning I have learned that I have kind of placed God off that highest place of my life and put Facebook there. You may think how could you do something like? The answer for me is simple. It's where, in, problably the first time in my life, I actually know what's going on. I, you could kind of say, never intentionally thought myself as God, but I could look at people's profiles and know what's going on, I would who was in a relationship and I would even consider myself a stalker to some bands, all thanks to Facebook, it makes it easier. It gets me thinking sometimes, I need to stop, and I have.
My friends tell me all the time, oh yeah, I am hardly on facebook. On the outside I think, ok that's cool. On the inside most of the time its, yeah, I'm jealous, I wish I could do that. And there's one word in that is key... do you know what is it? Could. Of course I could, but am I willing to do it. I am thinking after this week, I will most definitely be willing and able to take time from Facebook and log onto my faithbook.
I haven't read the Bible straight through and I think that's my new goal that will try to accomplish.
If you haven't started the fast, feel free to start now. It's ok. I NOW think any break from Social Media is a great idea and definitely worth the time away.
I just praise you for giving me the strength thus far to keep from Tweeting, or Facebooking. I praise you for the support I have from some of my friends. I also praise you for the lessons you are teaching me through this fast whether it's what you have just taught me or what you will teach me. I pray that you would not only continue to give me strength through the rest of this week, I pray that you would give it to all the others who are participating. I pray that you would a peace of mind and maybe even during this week, show us a talent that we may not have even realized we had. Bless the rest of our weeks, and lead us away from any kind of temptation.
I try telling them, it may not be hard for you... and I honestly didn't think about til I did this fast... I AM addicted to Facebook, and before this, I could see myself growing an addiction to twitter. I am a little sad though that I am not sure where I can figure out how Aaron Shust and Matt Hammitt's boys are doing. All I know is from my perspective, all I can do it pray. Pray that what ever is going on good or bad that God knows the situation and their needs and that's all I can pray. I can also praise that many others are praying and the power of prayer is going to impact the life of these families.
I can tell you that is getting easier, but also I sometimes catching myself just casually, like it's no big deal about to hit the Facebook button on my phone, but control myself and scroll down and hit that doodle jump button... just so you know doodle jump is this totally awesome, totally addicting game. Maybe I'll have to fast from that too soon. hahaha.
I totally heard that my blog got a shout-out from Sean Copeland, from Air1 Radio morning show DJs Sean and Mandy. I want to say thanks! I give you guys a shout out and I'll have to wake up alittle bit earlier to hear how you guys are doing on your fast.
So I know I have been wanting to grow closer to God and you know since the beginning I have learned that I have kind of placed God off that highest place of my life and put Facebook there. You may think how could you do something like? The answer for me is simple. It's where, in, problably the first time in my life, I actually know what's going on. I, you could kind of say, never intentionally thought myself as God, but I could look at people's profiles and know what's going on, I would who was in a relationship and I would even consider myself a stalker to some bands, all thanks to Facebook, it makes it easier. It gets me thinking sometimes, I need to stop, and I have.
My friends tell me all the time, oh yeah, I am hardly on facebook. On the outside I think, ok that's cool. On the inside most of the time its, yeah, I'm jealous, I wish I could do that. And there's one word in that is key... do you know what is it? Could. Of course I could, but am I willing to do it. I am thinking after this week, I will most definitely be willing and able to take time from Facebook and log onto my faithbook.
I haven't read the Bible straight through and I think that's my new goal that will try to accomplish.
If you haven't started the fast, feel free to start now. It's ok. I NOW think any break from Social Media is a great idea and definitely worth the time away.
I just praise you for giving me the strength thus far to keep from Tweeting, or Facebooking. I praise you for the support I have from some of my friends. I also praise you for the lessons you are teaching me through this fast whether it's what you have just taught me or what you will teach me. I pray that you would not only continue to give me strength through the rest of this week, I pray that you would give it to all the others who are participating. I pray that you would a peace of mind and maybe even during this week, show us a talent that we may not have even realized we had. Bless the rest of our weeks, and lead us away from any kind of temptation.
Day Two and God was Definitely With Me
Hey guys sorry I didnt post something last, I was at UMKC for a worship service with totally awesome friends. But I did want to say, like it says in my title, God was with me. He brought into my day, people from my work who just so happened to be Christians and we had talked for a while about what we thought. Then its been on my heart to learn sign language and at work God had brought a deaf guy and his mother and his mother taught me some things like "have a good day." Then one of my new managers knows sign language and she will start teaching me sign. And I am so excited about all of it. God really made it easy for me totally easy for me to forget about Facebook and Twitter. Like Air1 DJ Ashton said "I may never go back to Facebook" as for me. I won't be using it as much. We'll see how the rest of the week goes.
Monday, September 20, 2010
It's Day 1 and I'm Still Alive
Hey guys. So DJs from Air 1 Radio, the positive alternative, are challenging their listeners to take a fast this week, Monday through Friday, from social media. Social media being Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter.
I do have to be honest with you and this morning I did go on Facebook, and I felt really bad, and really... disappointed in myself. It made me realize how addicted I really am to Facebook. Something I was just like, "Oh, I need to check this and I can get off," kind of thing. And my realization it has pretty much taken over my life.
I really want to take time this week to really dig into my Faithbook. Haha. Yes I know how cheesy it is, but it's true. Too many times have I said that I am going to read God's word, pray, meditate, and listen to God. All those times I have said it, I usually didn't do it. Sad, yes. I love this God soo much that I just can't take like an hour to read, pray, or even worship this God of ours.
I will be trying to keep you up to date to what's going on... and how I am honestly doing. I can tell you though that it's going to be great taking time doing a social media detox.
And I challenge you to do it with me this week.
Dear God, I just pray that you would be with all the people who are participating in this fast. I praise you that they are wanting to take the time to get deeper into your word along with this amazing detox for our mind. Lord remind us about the priorities in life. I also pray that you would lead us from the temptation, and keep us strong. For you are a powerful God and you love us so much. And I can say for me if not all of us that we love you and we are doing this not because some pretty awesome DJs told us to, but because we want to draw closer to your heart and your will. AMEN.
I do have to be honest with you and this morning I did go on Facebook, and I felt really bad, and really... disappointed in myself. It made me realize how addicted I really am to Facebook. Something I was just like, "Oh, I need to check this and I can get off," kind of thing. And my realization it has pretty much taken over my life.
I really want to take time this week to really dig into my Faithbook. Haha. Yes I know how cheesy it is, but it's true. Too many times have I said that I am going to read God's word, pray, meditate, and listen to God. All those times I have said it, I usually didn't do it. Sad, yes. I love this God soo much that I just can't take like an hour to read, pray, or even worship this God of ours.
I will be trying to keep you up to date to what's going on... and how I am honestly doing. I can tell you though that it's going to be great taking time doing a social media detox.
And I challenge you to do it with me this week.
Dear God, I just pray that you would be with all the people who are participating in this fast. I praise you that they are wanting to take the time to get deeper into your word along with this amazing detox for our mind. Lord remind us about the priorities in life. I also pray that you would lead us from the temptation, and keep us strong. For you are a powerful God and you love us so much. And I can say for me if not all of us that we love you and we are doing this not because some pretty awesome DJs told us to, but because we want to draw closer to your heart and your will. AMEN.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Every Ministry is a Body of Christ, Not Separate but One
Ok, so I love going to concerts. I love going to events where I get to hang out with friends and serve an amazing God at the same time. I got to do that this Labor Day Weekend at Rock the Light. This year, RTL was a three day event taken place at Youth Front Camp South. Three days filled with great fun, music, and time of relaxation.
There were alot of roles one could play at this festival. Or going with the body of Christ analogy, we all played a specific part. All the attendees are the blood flowing through the veins for without it the rest of the body wouldn't have a reason to move or live or breath. I did merch, so for those who don't know. I sold merchandise for bands or in my case Brock Gill, the illusionist. Now merch is something I personally love to do. I also wouldn't have mind being apart of the K-love/Air1 booth, but there is just something about merch that I love doing it. Well to put things bluntly, I love it and I usually have the bands or important persons tell me that I rock. Okay, I may be over exaggerating, but they usually thank me for it. Whether I get something for it or not, I could honestly care less.
Where am I going with all of this?
Well, Sunday night, my friend had was stagehand for the main stage and well it was taking alot longer to leave since they were tearing down the stage. Now this stage was a totally awesome and nice stage. I definitely was not in store what I was getting myself into when I said I would help. There is alot of work that goes into tearing and building stages. I for sure took that part for granted.
This is where I am thankful for the gifts and talents has given me for organization, arts, and a love for music, and He may be giving me a love for people very slowly. But building and tearing down is definitely not one of those talents. I mean I don't mind getting dirty, but staging is alot of work. Even very technical at times. So I am extremely grateful for all of those who have the ability to build things. For with out them we probably wouldn't be able to see our favorite bands.
I was wanting and trying to come up with something about staging and turning it into something spiritual and deep, but I can't think of anything. Cause it takes alot of little and simple things to put this stage together and with all these little things together become this strong structure that cane hold just about anything from a band to Bob and Larry from Vegetales.
So if you are ever working at an event and think that was you are doing is small and not significant, think again. If you weren't doing what you do, then someone else would have to do it and you may be surprised that it may not go as smoothly if another does it.
You are important. No matter what other people say. You are important to God and He is extremely proud of everything you have done, even the small things of opening a door for someone. Your life affects more than what you see.
There were alot of roles one could play at this festival. Or going with the body of Christ analogy, we all played a specific part. All the attendees are the blood flowing through the veins for without it the rest of the body wouldn't have a reason to move or live or breath. I did merch, so for those who don't know. I sold merchandise for bands or in my case Brock Gill, the illusionist. Now merch is something I personally love to do. I also wouldn't have mind being apart of the K-love/Air1 booth, but there is just something about merch that I love doing it. Well to put things bluntly, I love it and I usually have the bands or important persons tell me that I rock. Okay, I may be over exaggerating, but they usually thank me for it. Whether I get something for it or not, I could honestly care less.
Where am I going with all of this?
Well, Sunday night, my friend had was stagehand for the main stage and well it was taking alot longer to leave since they were tearing down the stage. Now this stage was a totally awesome and nice stage. I definitely was not in store what I was getting myself into when I said I would help. There is alot of work that goes into tearing and building stages. I for sure took that part for granted.
This is where I am thankful for the gifts and talents has given me for organization, arts, and a love for music, and He may be giving me a love for people very slowly. But building and tearing down is definitely not one of those talents. I mean I don't mind getting dirty, but staging is alot of work. Even very technical at times. So I am extremely grateful for all of those who have the ability to build things. For with out them we probably wouldn't be able to see our favorite bands.
I was wanting and trying to come up with something about staging and turning it into something spiritual and deep, but I can't think of anything. Cause it takes alot of little and simple things to put this stage together and with all these little things together become this strong structure that cane hold just about anything from a band to Bob and Larry from Vegetales.
So if you are ever working at an event and think that was you are doing is small and not significant, think again. If you weren't doing what you do, then someone else would have to do it and you may be surprised that it may not go as smoothly if another does it.
You are important. No matter what other people say. You are important to God and He is extremely proud of everything you have done, even the small things of opening a door for someone. Your life affects more than what you see.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
It Makes My Heart Smile When...
So I am a Military Brat and proud of it. My dad was apart of the Marine Corps for 20 years. I don't think I have ever told him. But I am proud, that my dad served for this country.
There was a video that went around on Facebook about children and family reunited with their loved ones who serve for this country. It was 10 minutes long. I started crying after minute 2. Emotional yes. But I mean if you haven't seen your daddy or husband in such a long time and then you see them, safe ok and in your arms you have no choice but to cry.
I was just grateful that my dad never had to go overseas without us, or leave us for a long time. At least from what I remembered.
Anytime I see people doing anything great for the children of these service men and women or even for their families. It touches my heart and I can't do anything but smile and cry.
I watched Hannah Montanna, yes I watch Hannah Montanna, but it was an episode about how she skipped out hanging out with her dad to go out on a date with a cute guy. While on their date this guy talked to his dad who was overseas. It got Miley thinking that she takes her dad for granted, then she decides to do a concert for the servicemen and servicewomen and their families. It made me cry, yes it did. They also had some of the families say a message to their loved ones.
I hope and pray that you would continue to keep them in your prayers and thoughts. Especially their families and friends.
Semper Fi to my fellow military brats out there.
There was a video that went around on Facebook about children and family reunited with their loved ones who serve for this country. It was 10 minutes long. I started crying after minute 2. Emotional yes. But I mean if you haven't seen your daddy or husband in such a long time and then you see them, safe ok and in your arms you have no choice but to cry.
I was just grateful that my dad never had to go overseas without us, or leave us for a long time. At least from what I remembered.
Anytime I see people doing anything great for the children of these service men and women or even for their families. It touches my heart and I can't do anything but smile and cry.
I watched Hannah Montanna, yes I watch Hannah Montanna, but it was an episode about how she skipped out hanging out with her dad to go out on a date with a cute guy. While on their date this guy talked to his dad who was overseas. It got Miley thinking that she takes her dad for granted, then she decides to do a concert for the servicemen and servicewomen and their families. It made me cry, yes it did. They also had some of the families say a message to their loved ones.
I hope and pray that you would continue to keep them in your prayers and thoughts. Especially their families and friends.
Semper Fi to my fellow military brats out there.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
You May or May Not Know, But I Am 100% Sure I Know
You may or may not know, but I am 100% sure I know that.... God is awesome and always proves himself to his children, his loving beautiful children, that we are loved and we do have a purpose in life even when something proves itself to not actually be the road he wants you on.
Ok, you maybe thinking. "Laura, come on. Stop rambling, and get to what you are talking about!"
Well, many, if not most, know that I applied for the Invisible Children Roadie Position for the fall of 2010, which, yes, is this fall. So yes, that obviously means that I didn't get it. Me being the type of person that when I am apart of something I am really committed and won't stop until it or something else stops or takes my attention.
Well I can tell you that Invisible Children will forever and always be apart of my life until those children are back to their families and their homes and education are what they use to be, before this war. So, let's just say when I didn't get the position that I was extrememly sad for a while. I found out the bad news at a concert, and you know every other concert before then would be filled with great news like: the bill passed unanimously through congress, or President Obama passed to bill turning it into a law. Then this 'bad' news came and I was devistated. But then I went and enjoyed the company of my friends with K-love and Air1.
I am telling you, when God closes one door He WILL open another door, it may take a while to find it, but He does. I can tell you it took me a while, and you know I still may not have found that open door. But he has definitely brought people into my life recently telling me that 'blank' wouldn't happen if I weren't here. And you know I am just starting to take those things and really suck that in.
Not alot of people know, but I used to want to kill myself all the time or I would want to cut myself. With God's wonderful and glorious help I could get through it. And it's sad that it's just now that I am starting to see that I do make a difference, and I do have a purpose.
I know that my friend, Shane, has told me that if I was in San Diego with Invisible Children, then I wouldn't be helping with One12 Live and The ((Sound)) Movement. Has told me multiple times how much he appreciates my help.
My friend, Brian, is constantly I don't know how to say. It feels weird. Let's just say he is really awesome at building people up and just giving them a ton of adoration. And I use to hate getting compliments, but now it's just like, 'wow, am I that great that people would talk about me like that?'
Then my new friend, Blake from Jimmy Needham's band, was like Shane in saying that if I weren't here, then he wouldn't have had the help I gave him with the merch. (Let's just say, I truely love doing merch. I think I need to really be on the other side, constantly doing it to see if I still like it.)
I really want to thank everyone. Thank you, for making me feel important, I know that it's all God. I am honestly still trying to get use to the whole people giving me adoration, but you know it's helped me to understand my place in life, and that really really do have a purpose in life!
Ok, you maybe thinking. "Laura, come on. Stop rambling, and get to what you are talking about!"
Well, many, if not most, know that I applied for the Invisible Children Roadie Position for the fall of 2010, which, yes, is this fall. So yes, that obviously means that I didn't get it. Me being the type of person that when I am apart of something I am really committed and won't stop until it or something else stops or takes my attention.
Well I can tell you that Invisible Children will forever and always be apart of my life until those children are back to their families and their homes and education are what they use to be, before this war. So, let's just say when I didn't get the position that I was extrememly sad for a while. I found out the bad news at a concert, and you know every other concert before then would be filled with great news like: the bill passed unanimously through congress, or President Obama passed to bill turning it into a law. Then this 'bad' news came and I was devistated. But then I went and enjoyed the company of my friends with K-love and Air1.
I am telling you, when God closes one door He WILL open another door, it may take a while to find it, but He does. I can tell you it took me a while, and you know I still may not have found that open door. But he has definitely brought people into my life recently telling me that 'blank' wouldn't happen if I weren't here. And you know I am just starting to take those things and really suck that in.
Not alot of people know, but I used to want to kill myself all the time or I would want to cut myself. With God's wonderful and glorious help I could get through it. And it's sad that it's just now that I am starting to see that I do make a difference, and I do have a purpose.
I know that my friend, Shane, has told me that if I was in San Diego with Invisible Children, then I wouldn't be helping with One12 Live and The ((Sound)) Movement. Has told me multiple times how much he appreciates my help.
My friend, Brian, is constantly I don't know how to say. It feels weird. Let's just say he is really awesome at building people up and just giving them a ton of adoration. And I use to hate getting compliments, but now it's just like, 'wow, am I that great that people would talk about me like that?'
Then my new friend, Blake from Jimmy Needham's band, was like Shane in saying that if I weren't here, then he wouldn't have had the help I gave him with the merch. (Let's just say, I truely love doing merch. I think I need to really be on the other side, constantly doing it to see if I still like it.)
I really want to thank everyone. Thank you, for making me feel important, I know that it's all God. I am honestly still trying to get use to the whole people giving me adoration, but you know it's helped me to understand my place in life, and that really really do have a purpose in life!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Today's Lesson: Siding
Today's project was working with Kansas City's Habitat for Humanity.
This house had the siding on it, but when the health department came by to check things out. Of course something had to happen, where they didn't like the wood they used for the windows. So they had to take all the sidings off and replace that wood.
That's where we came in! We had to put all that siding back onto the house. You know, I didnt' think it would have taken very much work to get that siding up, and well you're right. All it takes is some measuring, hammer and nails, clippers, and the sidings. Oh! Don't forget about the sexy hard hats.
It doesn't take alot of brain to figure out how to put siding onto the house, it's when you run into little problems. Little problems like things needing to be a straight edge, overlapping too much, windows being off by a little, tiny little siding in small areas, nails not going in, clippers not cutting so easily as scissors to paper, and there were others.
I am definitely not complaining. It was alot of fun doing all of that work. Especially making new friends during the build. Crying together because of how great our God is, to give these people in our community a new home to live in. There was one point that our siding was alittle off, so I felt a little silly because they had to take it off and redo it.
But it was definitely alot of fun. One of the new friends we made that day, was getting a house from Habitat from Humanity. I know one-hundred percent that I am not alone when I say, that we are going back to help build her home.
I heard from someone while I was at Habitat for Humanity that it takes about a month to make this house, and that these houses last longer than most of the other houses on the street. Personally I think that it totally funny and extremely ironic.
Why, you ask? Well the volunteers that are helping especially today, don't care that we are doing this for money. Melinda put it perfectly when she said, "My reward comes from God." God. God is what makes these houses different. All of God's love is put into each and every nook and cranny in these homes, from the shingles on the roof, to the wood floors in the house.
One being the wise man and the foolish man building their homes. And if you know the story, you know the wise man built his house on the stone and it stood firm. The foolish man built his house on the sand and his house was swallowed by the storm. It almost goes to say again, but when Jesus is our cornerstone and what our life is based on, it will stand. Stand through the storms, the cold, the heat, and the peaceful times.
The other story is in Acts, when Peter and the other apostles (Acts 5) got in trouble for speaking the word of God in the city. The counsel told them to never speak of the name of Jesus again, but you know they did speak of Jesus. But when the counsel heard this they wanted to bring them back and punish them. One of the highly respected teachers stood up and mentioned alot of 'prophets' or 'religious leaders' that had followers, but as soon as they died, their followers scattered. Then he said,''So I advise you to stay away from these men. Leave them alone. If what they are planning is something of their own doing, it will fail. But if God is behind it, you cannot stop it anyway, unless you want to fight against God."(Acts 5:38-39a CEV) So basically if it is made by man with all of his foolish desires then it will fail. But if it comes from God, it will not fail and stand solid like the wise man and his house.
So if you haven't done Habitat for Humanity, DO IT! You don't need any experience, cause I didn't, and it turned out great other than a few bumps and bruises along the way. Take friends and just have fun.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Stop Judging Me!
Last night I just finished reading the book of Romans, and of the thingsI learned from reading Romans is...
Who are we to judge or criticize people?
I know that most, if not all, of us that it is not our duty to judge the people we come in contact with. Even though I know it's wrong, sometimes I judge without even thinking sometimes. One time I went to volunteer at some food pantry sometime this summer, honestly. I had to catch myself sometimes and say Laura who are you to judge these people. Think about it, honestly, they are probably happier than you are at times. They are content with the stuff they have. You just bought that mp3 player and you already want another, or that digital camera, it's nice yet you want another. Of course, I step back and see these people the way God does, and well, they are just like me. Beautiful children of a loving heavenly father.
I even believe that sometimes catch myself, who I am go tell the word of God to. Then as I was reading Romans and it was reminding me that God thinks of everyone the same. He has no favorites.
I don't really know what to tell you, when you catch judging or criticizing people, ask our God to forgive you. For God is the only one who will judge, and he will do it fairly because, well he doesn't have favorites.
Who are we to judge or criticize people?
I know that most, if not all, of us that it is not our duty to judge the people we come in contact with. Even though I know it's wrong, sometimes I judge without even thinking sometimes. One time I went to volunteer at some food pantry sometime this summer, honestly. I had to catch myself sometimes and say Laura who are you to judge these people. Think about it, honestly, they are probably happier than you are at times. They are content with the stuff they have. You just bought that mp3 player and you already want another, or that digital camera, it's nice yet you want another. Of course, I step back and see these people the way God does, and well, they are just like me. Beautiful children of a loving heavenly father.
I even believe that sometimes catch myself, who I am go tell the word of God to. Then as I was reading Romans and it was reminding me that God thinks of everyone the same. He has no favorites.
I don't really know what to tell you, when you catch judging or criticizing people, ask our God to forgive you. For God is the only one who will judge, and he will do it fairly because, well he doesn't have favorites.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Someone Brought Me A Helping Of Enjoy Life Pie
Just this last Thursday, I went to Lawerence with a couple of friends to go to the Granada and go see Underoath. We had been gone inside to buy tickets for the concert before the box office closed. We were just chatting up a storm with the other people waiting to purchase a ticket. It was just fun, we had really sparked up a conversation with one of the girls.
Then we thought, hey why not, let's invite her to hang out. So we did, and she gladly came. Sadly, I look at my life and I would think, if I just met someone for no longer than five minutes, I don't know if I would just grab my stuff and hang with them, even if I didn't have friends around.
But it was just to great to walk, hang out, be ourselves. Be myself without being judged. Weird, I feel like I am going to get judged so much more from my church, and that's another blog for another day. But it was sad to hear that her lease just came up and she was working only on the weekends at a local restaurant, and was pretty much couch hopping. Even though I was, you know, sad. She didn't seem sad at all. It just mainly seemed like she was taking life one day at a time and enjoying every minute of it.
Now that is a real example of one of my favorite quotes, "a stranger's a friend, I haven't met.'
She truely lived that way. After dinner, we went to wait by the door of the concert and well, let's just say she knew alot of people just walking down the street. She just had a likable personality.
And you know I thought on the way home from the concert, if we, my friends who are chrisitans, had any influence on her, by our lives. And yet the more and more I think about it. She taught me a lesson.
She taught me to really, I mean REALLY enjoy life to fullest. Taking it one step at a time, minute by minute, but really loving every minute of it. Even if it is tough and you have to couch surf. Even if it means living paycheck by paycheck, or not even know what tomorrow might bring. Enjoy the now and what's in front of you. That's all that matters.
I mean I have heard it multiple times, what if that smile or that hello changes that person's life. Even if it is ever so slightly. But just a simple acknowledgement would show that there are people that care, or even someone's life. I have heard that someone killed themself, but said if someone smiled or waved or acknowledged them, they would have not done it.
So I challenge you. Enjoy life. Enjoy what's infront of you. For it says in the Bible, 'do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about it self..'
So Enjoy life. Make a new friend. Talk to someone. Really listen to what they have to say.
Then we thought, hey why not, let's invite her to hang out. So we did, and she gladly came. Sadly, I look at my life and I would think, if I just met someone for no longer than five minutes, I don't know if I would just grab my stuff and hang with them, even if I didn't have friends around.
But it was just to great to walk, hang out, be ourselves. Be myself without being judged. Weird, I feel like I am going to get judged so much more from my church, and that's another blog for another day. But it was sad to hear that her lease just came up and she was working only on the weekends at a local restaurant, and was pretty much couch hopping. Even though I was, you know, sad. She didn't seem sad at all. It just mainly seemed like she was taking life one day at a time and enjoying every minute of it.
Now that is a real example of one of my favorite quotes, "a stranger's a friend, I haven't met.'
She truely lived that way. After dinner, we went to wait by the door of the concert and well, let's just say she knew alot of people just walking down the street. She just had a likable personality.
And you know I thought on the way home from the concert, if we, my friends who are chrisitans, had any influence on her, by our lives. And yet the more and more I think about it. She taught me a lesson.
She taught me to really, I mean REALLY enjoy life to fullest. Taking it one step at a time, minute by minute, but really loving every minute of it. Even if it is tough and you have to couch surf. Even if it means living paycheck by paycheck, or not even know what tomorrow might bring. Enjoy the now and what's in front of you. That's all that matters.
I mean I have heard it multiple times, what if that smile or that hello changes that person's life. Even if it is ever so slightly. But just a simple acknowledgement would show that there are people that care, or even someone's life. I have heard that someone killed themself, but said if someone smiled or waved or acknowledged them, they would have not done it.
So I challenge you. Enjoy life. Enjoy what's infront of you. For it says in the Bible, 'do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about it self..'
So Enjoy life. Make a new friend. Talk to someone. Really listen to what they have to say.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Have You Encouraged Someone Today?
Ok, so confession time. I am no theologian, but this is just something that really popped out to me as I read the book of Acts these past two days. There were alot of things that popped out, important things. But I think this one is one of the more important ones that stood out to me.
As I read through the book of Acts, all 28 chapters and its verses, you can say the main thing that really popped out to me, was the number of times Paul and the other apostles are caught encouraging the church and other followers of God and Jesus Christ.
I counted, counted with alittle help from Bible Gateway and word finder, the word 'encourage.' There are twelve times that this word is used in Acts alone. There are other signs of encouragement, but the word 'encour'age is found twelve times. To me it must be alot to stick out to me.
I do believe that it is to encourage the other believers, our brothers and sisters in Christ. It is important because there are times where this world will tear us down. And we need to build each other up. For we are all being used by God and when we see that God is using us, even if we can't see it on ourselves, it helps when others let us know. Let us know that we are following the heart of God, the will of God. That we are doing our hardest to do what He wants and you know sometimes the devil will try to tell us that we aren't working hard enough to make God proud; well, that is just wrong. God is proud of everything that we do, especially if it is for His will and glory.
I know this is something that I have been trying to do. Doing it whether anonymously or letting them who sent it. I will write letters to my brothers and sisters and let them know that doing a great work for God. I want to tell them that they are beautiful, they are a mentor, they are just like Christ. Anyway that will encourage them. Sometimes I feel corny doing it, or selfish cause I only hope that they would send me something back to encourage me. But you that's ok if I don't, cause everytime I catch myself doing that, those who I wrote those letters to come to me in person saying how much they appreciated that and well, honestly, that's encouragement enough for me. It's just to great to see that even something little like that will make people smile and get them through a day.
So I encourage you to encourage someone you come in contact daily, weekly, monthly, or even yearly. Let them know how much they matter to you, cause you never know what that will do for their life.
Will you take the challenge?
**References to Encouraging in ACTS**
Acts 4:37
Acts 9:31
Acts 14:22
Acts 15:31,32,41
Acts 16:40
Acts 18:27
Acts 20:1,2
Acts 27:36
Acts 28:15
As I read through the book of Acts, all 28 chapters and its verses, you can say the main thing that really popped out to me, was the number of times Paul and the other apostles are caught encouraging the church and other followers of God and Jesus Christ.
I counted, counted with alittle help from Bible Gateway and word finder, the word 'encourage.' There are twelve times that this word is used in Acts alone. There are other signs of encouragement, but the word 'encour'age is found twelve times. To me it must be alot to stick out to me.
I do believe that it is to encourage the other believers, our brothers and sisters in Christ. It is important because there are times where this world will tear us down. And we need to build each other up. For we are all being used by God and when we see that God is using us, even if we can't see it on ourselves, it helps when others let us know. Let us know that we are following the heart of God, the will of God. That we are doing our hardest to do what He wants and you know sometimes the devil will try to tell us that we aren't working hard enough to make God proud; well, that is just wrong. God is proud of everything that we do, especially if it is for His will and glory.
I know this is something that I have been trying to do. Doing it whether anonymously or letting them who sent it. I will write letters to my brothers and sisters and let them know that doing a great work for God. I want to tell them that they are beautiful, they are a mentor, they are just like Christ. Anyway that will encourage them. Sometimes I feel corny doing it, or selfish cause I only hope that they would send me something back to encourage me. But you that's ok if I don't, cause everytime I catch myself doing that, those who I wrote those letters to come to me in person saying how much they appreciated that and well, honestly, that's encouragement enough for me. It's just to great to see that even something little like that will make people smile and get them through a day.
So I encourage you to encourage someone you come in contact daily, weekly, monthly, or even yearly. Let them know how much they matter to you, cause you never know what that will do for their life.
Will you take the challenge?
**References to Encouraging in ACTS**
Acts 4:37
Acts 9:31
Acts 14:22
Acts 15:31,32,41
Acts 16:40
Acts 18:27
Acts 20:1,2
Acts 27:36
Acts 28:15
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Summer Of Hope
This last week on Wednesday, K-love and Air1 of Kansas City hosted a benefit concert with the band Satellites and Sirens. The cost of entering the concert was one or more non-perishable food item that would go to the Hope Network of Raytown.
Hope Network helps not only the community surrounding the area of Raytown but also the Kansas City area. They have a food pantry that serves 45 families a week. They also have a dinner every
But it was such a great turnout at the concert and the band did great. It was so much fun as always working at these type of events. I had been so excited for this event pretty much since I found out about it. Yes, I like the band, Satellites and Sirens, but I was looking forward to helping and seeing how much we collected that night. I was alittle sad that I didn't know anyone that showed up from the Kansas City area. I only say that cause I saw the guys of the band at a previous concert, which too was fun.
But I guess, I was just really, really excited for the next day when we were really going to get
At first, I felt like that I was just at the Harvesters organizing food. I wasn't ready for the number of people I saw that we helped today. Oh man, honestly, I had to confront myself. I found myself judging. Judging. Who am I to judge? Some, maybe even most of the people that I talked to is probably so much more happier then me. I take so much for granted. I had to take a break to take a moment to pray for forgivness.
After my moment between me and God, one of the pastors came down and we talked about how it all
got started, and it just made me smile. There were alot of kids in the waiting room just playing, and
God is definitely working with this organization, Hope Network. I am wanting to work with them again.
So I totally tell you.
Check out.... Hope Network of Raytown,MO, K-love, Air1, and Satellites and Sirens (hit song, Anchors, played on Air1).
Get involved with your community this summer!!!! DO IT!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The Importance of Reading Your Bible
Ok, so EVERYONE knows it's important to read your Bible. Some people thinks important daily, and I would have to agree with this statement, but any reading or studying or meditating on the word is great!
I know it's weird now, because recently I have really been all about the walk with Christ and my awesome God, and well... what can I say, it's been one big step and my life has been turned upside down because of the love of my God.
I, lately, have been having this urge, or in Christian-terms, this hunger for prayer and for really digging into God's word and I love it.
It's really made my day, I guess since I have had this hunger I started reading from Ephesians and today I started reading from Galatians. Oh my goodness, ever since my prayer life and well, my relationship with God changed, I read the Word and the things that pop out are extremely crazy and amazingly awesome. I mean come on. I really started reading Acts for the second time this last semester with the organization, InterVarsity, and well my goodness, as I was reading Galatians, Paul was telling the church about his time in Jerusalem and wow. I mean wow. I totally remembered when this story happened in Acts. It was just so surprising that I would remember such a thing. I looked back at Acts and there it was, right before my eyes.
I know this theme is evident in the Bible, this little thing, oh I don't know... LOVE. It's everywhere. I have been marking in my bible with pink sticky notes about where God's love is shown, or in green I believe I mark that He has chosen us for specific purposes and for reasons before we were even born. How crazy.
It's just so amazing once you grow so close to God, how you just want to wake up in the morning and read the word, pray to God, and wait for him to intercede. Oh, it's just amazing to see how God has worked in the past and the promises that lie in this amazing book. It's not just a book that has mystery, murder, wonder, lies, denial, facades, sacrafices... it's so much more than that's it's a love letter from my God and all he has promised to me and my life, my friends, my family, and even to the people I don't know. It's amazing and it's called love and grace.
Praise God for his amazing words.
I know it's weird now, because recently I have really been all about the walk with Christ and my awesome God, and well... what can I say, it's been one big step and my life has been turned upside down because of the love of my God.
I, lately, have been having this urge, or in Christian-terms, this hunger for prayer and for really digging into God's word and I love it.
It's really made my day, I guess since I have had this hunger I started reading from Ephesians and today I started reading from Galatians. Oh my goodness, ever since my prayer life and well, my relationship with God changed, I read the Word and the things that pop out are extremely crazy and amazingly awesome. I mean come on. I really started reading Acts for the second time this last semester with the organization, InterVarsity, and well my goodness, as I was reading Galatians, Paul was telling the church about his time in Jerusalem and wow. I mean wow. I totally remembered when this story happened in Acts. It was just so surprising that I would remember such a thing. I looked back at Acts and there it was, right before my eyes.
I know this theme is evident in the Bible, this little thing, oh I don't know... LOVE. It's everywhere. I have been marking in my bible with pink sticky notes about where God's love is shown, or in green I believe I mark that He has chosen us for specific purposes and for reasons before we were even born. How crazy.
It's just so amazing once you grow so close to God, how you just want to wake up in the morning and read the word, pray to God, and wait for him to intercede. Oh, it's just amazing to see how God has worked in the past and the promises that lie in this amazing book. It's not just a book that has mystery, murder, wonder, lies, denial, facades, sacrafices... it's so much more than that's it's a love letter from my God and all he has promised to me and my life, my friends, my family, and even to the people I don't know. It's amazing and it's called love and grace.
Praise God for his amazing words.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Prayer is SOOO Important
The book we are going through is absolutely amazing. It's so great and amazing how prayer is so evident in the Bible. It happened so frequently. It's amazing.
Well, I have learned that as I forgive people in my life that causes me distress and even anger, I forgive them for that verbally and let's just say it makes my life so much better.
I have blogged earlier about how prayer and fasting is important in a christian's lifestyle. And I will continue and always think that. But I have a story that almost proves it.
A couple days ago, I believe it was Thursday, I honestly spent very little time that day in prayer and time meditating in the Word. And come to imagine, anything that happened pretty much drove me crazy and I got mad very easily. And the couple days before that I had gone to IHOP on Tuesday and Wednesday night. It was truely amazing experiences that night. And well honestly, prayer was essential. Cause yesterday when I prayed and meditated on the Word and what God had to say to me, and well it made such a big difference and my day was amazing. And I was definitely in a great mood the rest of the day.
I want to challenge you, along with myself, to take time when you wake up in the morning to prayer to our God, and meditate on His Word.
Cause as it says in Hebrews 7:25: "Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them."
AKA Our God is always wanting to communicate with us. Not just wanting, but YEARNING to communicate with us.
So let's start off the day communicating with him.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Every Child Deserves To Live
Today radio stations, Air1 and K-Love, are working with Jars of Clay's charity, Blood:Water Mission. Today raising money, all going to building wells in Africa. These wells would give these children and their families clean drinking water. Water that will help them live, let them go to school. Why wouldn't they be able to go to school you may ask... well because clean water in some places are as far as ten or more miles away which would take all day and they would be forced to missed school. To learn more visit
Today also my church, Central Church of the Nazarene, has 31 people in Swaziland right now. They are working with orphans and their familes that are affected with AIDS. Giving them food, water, and any other meds needed to live. I only wish that I could be there in Swaziland giving those children some love and attention which so many probably don't get. Go to your local church to find out where they are going on the next mission trip.
A couple weeks ago, President Obama signed a bill that would finally help the children of Northern Uganda, and Eastern Africa. This bill would help rebuild Northern Uganda because of all the war torn regions that happened because of the LRA. A strategy will be brought to the air soon to apprehend the rebel leader and all the leading commanders. These child soldiers will be able to go home and play outside without any worry about being abducted. They will soon go to a place where they will be loved again. I can't wait for this day.
Invisible Children in the fall has a program called Schools for Schools. This is 100 days of hardcore fundraising for the rebuilding of schools in Northern Uganda. Giving these children an education that they desire. An education that they use to help the children that are living this new life. Sadly, these schools used to be the best schools in Uganda but because of the LRA destroyed them. So you can help and you can get your school involved this fall by going to
TOMS Shoes. I have blogged about them multiple times. Organized by a young man named Blake. This shoes are the same design as the farmers in Argentina. When you purchase a pair of shoes, they will donate another pair of shoes to a child that needs a pair. You see when they children get a pair of these shoes, they too can go to school. Some of the schools that the children go to require shoes so before they just couldn't go and get that education they want so badly. Without shoes these children are contract diseases. TOMS does these shoe drops everywhere from South America, Africa, and even here in the US. To learn more about this organization visit
There is so much we take for granted here in the U.S. Clean water, shoes (for most of us most likely have more than one pair of shoes), school (some even get to go to a private school), and loving people around us. While most of us have these things some of our children still aren't as lucky.
I have just recently found out about an organization called Stand Up For Kids. Every year the famous band, Switchfoot, has this benefit surf contest/ concert for this organization in Encinitas, CA. This organization is all about kids as you can guess by the theme of my blog and the name of the organization. This organization tries to make a difference of the lives of the at-risk, homeless, and street-kids. According to thier website, " StandUp For Kids helps homeless youth tackle some of their everyday obstacles and work towards a life off the streets. From basic necessities such as food, clothing, and hygiene to resources for housing, employment, and education, StandUp For Kids counselors use an open, straightforward and caring counseling approach to help kids reach their full potential." Which to me sounds great and I can't wait to get involved with this organization. To learn more visit
So as you can very well see that children are children. They look the same, they grow the same way. The only really big difference is where they come from. That shouldn't keep them from getting the clean water, education, and shoes that we so desperately take for granted. I know there are many other organizations out there that help these children, but I just wanted to point out some verses in the Bible that are directed epescially for and to kids.
"And learn to live right. See that justice is done. Defend widows and orphans and help those in need." Isaiah 1:17
"Children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord." Psalm 127: 3
"'Let the children come to me! Don't try to stop them. People who are like these little children belong to the kingdom of God. I promise you that you cannot get into God's kingdom, unless you accept it the way a child does."' Mark 10:14-15
"Our God, from your sacred home you take care of orphans and protect widows. You find families to those who are lonely. You set prisoners free and let them prosper," Psalm 68:5-6
I challenge you to take a look at the children in your life and then look at the ones across the street or across the ocean and see how you can help. Sponsor a child, write to them or even better to them with your children with World Vision. Or sponsor a baby who has been abdandoned and can't live through Holt International. Sign up to donate monthly through the Legacy Scholarship Fund with Invisible Children, by providing them education and a mentor that will be with them and help them pursue their goals. Buy a pair of shoes and donate a pair at the same time. Maybe buy a pair from TOMS and give it to a kid in your neighborhood who needs it, then tell them that another kid has a pair just like theirs in another country. Whatever you decide to do, don't forget the children of the world.
"To all the people who are fighting for the broken,
all the people who keep holding onto love,
all the people who are reaching for the lonely,
keep changing the world"
- "Keep Changing the World" Mikeschair ft. Lecrae
Today also my church, Central Church of the Nazarene, has 31 people in Swaziland right now. They are working with orphans and their familes that are affected with AIDS. Giving them food, water, and any other meds needed to live. I only wish that I could be there in Swaziland giving those children some love and attention which so many probably don't get. Go to your local church to find out where they are going on the next mission trip.
A couple weeks ago, President Obama signed a bill that would finally help the children of Northern Uganda, and Eastern Africa. This bill would help rebuild Northern Uganda because of all the war torn regions that happened because of the LRA. A strategy will be brought to the air soon to apprehend the rebel leader and all the leading commanders. These child soldiers will be able to go home and play outside without any worry about being abducted. They will soon go to a place where they will be loved again. I can't wait for this day.
Invisible Children in the fall has a program called Schools for Schools. This is 100 days of hardcore fundraising for the rebuilding of schools in Northern Uganda. Giving these children an education that they desire. An education that they use to help the children that are living this new life. Sadly, these schools used to be the best schools in Uganda but because of the LRA destroyed them. So you can help and you can get your school involved this fall by going to
TOMS Shoes. I have blogged about them multiple times. Organized by a young man named Blake. This shoes are the same design as the farmers in Argentina. When you purchase a pair of shoes, they will donate another pair of shoes to a child that needs a pair. You see when they children get a pair of these shoes, they too can go to school. Some of the schools that the children go to require shoes so before they just couldn't go and get that education they want so badly. Without shoes these children are contract diseases. TOMS does these shoe drops everywhere from South America, Africa, and even here in the US. To learn more about this organization visit
There is so much we take for granted here in the U.S. Clean water, shoes (for most of us most likely have more than one pair of shoes), school (some even get to go to a private school), and loving people around us. While most of us have these things some of our children still aren't as lucky.
I have just recently found out about an organization called Stand Up For Kids. Every year the famous band, Switchfoot, has this benefit surf contest/ concert for this organization in Encinitas, CA. This organization is all about kids as you can guess by the theme of my blog and the name of the organization. This organization tries to make a difference of the lives of the at-risk, homeless, and street-kids. According to thier website, " StandUp For Kids helps homeless youth tackle some of their everyday obstacles and work towards a life off the streets. From basic necessities such as food, clothing, and hygiene to resources for housing, employment, and education, StandUp For Kids counselors use an open, straightforward and caring counseling approach to help kids reach their full potential." Which to me sounds great and I can't wait to get involved with this organization. To learn more visit
So as you can very well see that children are children. They look the same, they grow the same way. The only really big difference is where they come from. That shouldn't keep them from getting the clean water, education, and shoes that we so desperately take for granted. I know there are many other organizations out there that help these children, but I just wanted to point out some verses in the Bible that are directed epescially for and to kids.
"And learn to live right. See that justice is done. Defend widows and orphans and help those in need." Isaiah 1:17
"Children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord." Psalm 127: 3
"'Let the children come to me! Don't try to stop them. People who are like these little children belong to the kingdom of God. I promise you that you cannot get into God's kingdom, unless you accept it the way a child does."' Mark 10:14-15
"Our God, from your sacred home you take care of orphans and protect widows. You find families to those who are lonely. You set prisoners free and let them prosper," Psalm 68:5-6
I challenge you to take a look at the children in your life and then look at the ones across the street or across the ocean and see how you can help. Sponsor a child, write to them or even better to them with your children with World Vision. Or sponsor a baby who has been abdandoned and can't live through Holt International. Sign up to donate monthly through the Legacy Scholarship Fund with Invisible Children, by providing them education and a mentor that will be with them and help them pursue their goals. Buy a pair of shoes and donate a pair at the same time. Maybe buy a pair from TOMS and give it to a kid in your neighborhood who needs it, then tell them that another kid has a pair just like theirs in another country. Whatever you decide to do, don't forget the children of the world.
"To all the people who are fighting for the broken,
all the people who keep holding onto love,
all the people who are reaching for the lonely,
keep changing the world"
- "Keep Changing the World" Mikeschair ft. Lecrae
Monday, June 7, 2010
Who's My Favorite Artist?
I love everything from drawing, painting, to designing shirts. I love it all.
Now, there must be a reason, a muse, a inspirtation, or even favorite artist that has inspired me. And your right. There is.
Let's just say every where I look I see His art. I see his details. His penmenship. His brush strokes. Even in every person He sculpts, there seems to be alittle piece of Him in them. I have even noticed that He's has some works of me all over His walls.
Is it creepy? Some may say yes. But to me, I feel honored. I know that He even loves me so much that He paints, and sculpts for me. It's all special.
So who is this artist?
If you haven't guessed already. He is my God. Yahweh. Jesus Christ. Everything on this Earth is His creation. No matter how hard I try, my perspective and how I perceive His works in my work, will never be as great and beautiful it is in real life.
We, too, are apart of gallery. His gallery of His people. Each of us unique in every way. None the same. He has given us talents, different talents. Which is like His signature. The signature that He has given us to help spread His kingdom. Each of us different. Each of us reaching different people with different talents.
What is His signature in your life? How and when will you use His signature for His Kingdom?
Who Are You Helping?
Yesterday was Sunday. Yesterday was church. Yesterday was the second part of Pastor Rob Prince of Central Church of the Nazarene's sermon series "Solomon Says: Who are you helping?"
It is a series based from Solomon's writings, AKA the Proverbs. This week's sermon was based from the scripture Proverbs 14:31:
"If you mistreat the poor, you insult your creator; If you are kind to them, you show Him respect."
So as I sat there listening, I heard a common theme for that day. Something that Pastor Rob said constantly,
- break my heart for what breaks Yours
- Seeing is important because it leads to compassion
- God blessed not so we can do few, but that we can do much
Then that night, we started a new book about the Beatitudes and how we can live them out.
The first one we went over was: Blessed are those who are poor in spirit.
We discussed what this meant and how we could do it. After we discuss we were to pick out something then live it out then report back to the group about it.
This whole day I had been thinking about different things I have been wanting to do for a long time. Like buying for someone else's drink at starbucks or another coffee shop. I was also reminded of getting people together to feed the homeless in KC.
So I am really going to work hard and really get people together to do this!
So ask your self the question... When you look around, what do you see?
Do you see a bunch of people and their stuff, or do you see what they need... a savior.
It is a series based from Solomon's writings, AKA the Proverbs. This week's sermon was based from the scripture Proverbs 14:31:
"If you mistreat the poor, you insult your creator; If you are kind to them, you show Him respect."
So as I sat there listening, I heard a common theme for that day. Something that Pastor Rob said constantly,
- break my heart for what breaks Yours
- Seeing is important because it leads to compassion
- God blessed not so we can do few, but that we can do much
Then that night, we started a new book about the Beatitudes and how we can live them out.
The first one we went over was: Blessed are those who are poor in spirit.
We discussed what this meant and how we could do it. After we discuss we were to pick out something then live it out then report back to the group about it.
This whole day I had been thinking about different things I have been wanting to do for a long time. Like buying for someone else's drink at starbucks or another coffee shop. I was also reminded of getting people together to feed the homeless in KC.
So I am really going to work hard and really get people together to do this!
So ask your self the question... When you look around, what do you see?
Do you see a bunch of people and their stuff, or do you see what they need... a savior.
Monday, May 24, 2010
It's Only Amazing and Completely Breathless!
SO if you read my blogs then you know who and what Invisible Children is and stands for. You should even know that there was a bill out there going through the process to help the children of Uganda and especially Eastern Africa. Well for those of you that don't know....
It all started in 2005, at least the organization, but I do believe that Bobby Bailey, Laren Poole, and Jason Russell went on a journey to Africa, more preferably Sudan. Going on a adventure to document what they could find. Little did these young men in their 20's know they were going to embark on an adventure that would forever change not only their lives but the lives of hundreds of teens and young adults. While on this adventure they find out that there are children traveling miles by foot to get to the next city to seek refuge from the Lords Resistance Army, or LRA. This rebel army abducts these children and forces them to abduct, kill, and mutilate people on command... even their friends and family. One former child soldier even said that he killed a woman for walking too slow. These three young guys learned about this war and the rebel leader, Joseph Kony, and were shocked to hear that it was going unseen for more than two decades. Who would have thought?
Well they took the footage they took from the camera they bought from EBay and put together a documentary called, "Invisible Children: The Rough Cut." From this documentary there came a wave of responses from the people that watched it asking what they could do to help. So they went ahead and started... Invisible Children, in 2005.
Since then alot has happened! Every fall semester schools around the country raise money to rebuild a sister school in Northern Uganda. They typically raise over ONE MILLION dollars... it's totally crazy cause I just learned that, that's more than the US and UN give to Northern Uganda combined! How epic is that. A whole bunch of teens and young adults raising more money than probably millionaires. Then is the spring about every other year they have done rallies. The latest one was called, "The Rescue." This event took place in 100 cities, 10 countries, all together sharing 1 voice. We stood together in solidarity with the child soldiers, and symbolically abducted ourselves and walked 2-3 miles then waited to be rescued by the media and a celebrity or political mogul. It took about 6 days until we were finally rescued by Oprah in Chicago, IL, or Chi-town. Little did we know that soon after the Rescue, a bill was written to help those in Northern Uganda and Eastern Africa and help capture Joseph Kony. Later that same summer we, about two thousand of us went to Washington, D.C., to lobby to our congressmen about the bill. We had about 40 signatures in that day alone. I was just lucky to have Mr. Senator Samuel Brownback as my senator, because he was a co-writer of the bill. It wasn't until just recently that the bill passed the House of Senate Unanimously, then it passed through the House of Representatives Unanimously with the same bill without any corrections or changes.
So today was the day that was completely amazing and breathless. Mr. President Barrack Obama signed the bill. Which makes it a law. Now has 180 days to come up with a strategy to apprehend Joseph Kony and the other leading commanders of the LRA. Then we can start fixing and recovering Northern Uganda and Eastern Africa and bring those child soldiers back to their families.
Here is was President Obama said about us, citizens:
"I congratulate Congress for seizing on this important issue, and I congratulate the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have mobilized to respond to this unique crisis of conscience. We have heard from the advocacy organizations, non-governmental organizations, faith-based groups, humanitarian actors who lack access, and those who continue to work on this issue in our own government. We have seen your reporting, your websites, your blogs, and your video postcards — you have made the plight of the children visible to us all. Your action represents the very best of American leadership around the world, and we are committed to working with you in pursuit of the future of peace and dignity that the people of who have suffered at the hands of the LRA deserve."
So I just wanted to thank everyone who spent alot of their time on Facebook annoying their friends with constant status updates, invites, tagging, and video blitzing. All those people that slept outside in the cold until a Senator released his hold on the bill. All of you we waited all 6 days in Chicago till you got rescued. All of you who rescue rode or rescue watched. All those epic dance parties on the Live Feed. All, two thousand, of you would went and lobbied to your congressmen in D.C. and made it the largest lobbying event on an African issue. All of you who signed the petitions. All of you who wrote, called, emailed, or visited your congressmen in your home town. Thanks!
We are getting so much closer to saying and seeing it really happen...
Together we ARE FREE!!!
And then watching... How it Ends.
Thanks again! I love all of you!
It all started in 2005, at least the organization, but I do believe that Bobby Bailey, Laren Poole, and Jason Russell went on a journey to Africa, more preferably Sudan. Going on a adventure to document what they could find. Little did these young men in their 20's know they were going to embark on an adventure that would forever change not only their lives but the lives of hundreds of teens and young adults. While on this adventure they find out that there are children traveling miles by foot to get to the next city to seek refuge from the Lords Resistance Army, or LRA. This rebel army abducts these children and forces them to abduct, kill, and mutilate people on command... even their friends and family. One former child soldier even said that he killed a woman for walking too slow. These three young guys learned about this war and the rebel leader, Joseph Kony, and were shocked to hear that it was going unseen for more than two decades. Who would have thought?
Well they took the footage they took from the camera they bought from EBay and put together a documentary called, "Invisible Children: The Rough Cut." From this documentary there came a wave of responses from the people that watched it asking what they could do to help. So they went ahead and started... Invisible Children, in 2005.
Since then alot has happened! Every fall semester schools around the country raise money to rebuild a sister school in Northern Uganda. They typically raise over ONE MILLION dollars... it's totally crazy cause I just learned that, that's more than the US and UN give to Northern Uganda combined! How epic is that. A whole bunch of teens and young adults raising more money than probably millionaires. Then is the spring about every other year they have done rallies. The latest one was called, "The Rescue." This event took place in 100 cities, 10 countries, all together sharing 1 voice. We stood together in solidarity with the child soldiers, and symbolically abducted ourselves and walked 2-3 miles then waited to be rescued by the media and a celebrity or political mogul. It took about 6 days until we were finally rescued by Oprah in Chicago, IL, or Chi-town. Little did we know that soon after the Rescue, a bill was written to help those in Northern Uganda and Eastern Africa and help capture Joseph Kony. Later that same summer we, about two thousand of us went to Washington, D.C., to lobby to our congressmen about the bill. We had about 40 signatures in that day alone. I was just lucky to have Mr. Senator Samuel Brownback as my senator, because he was a co-writer of the bill. It wasn't until just recently that the bill passed the House of Senate Unanimously, then it passed through the House of Representatives Unanimously with the same bill without any corrections or changes.
So today was the day that was completely amazing and breathless. Mr. President Barrack Obama signed the bill. Which makes it a law. Now has 180 days to come up with a strategy to apprehend Joseph Kony and the other leading commanders of the LRA. Then we can start fixing and recovering Northern Uganda and Eastern Africa and bring those child soldiers back to their families.
Here is was President Obama said about us, citizens:
"I congratulate Congress for seizing on this important issue, and I congratulate the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have mobilized to respond to this unique crisis of conscience. We have heard from the advocacy organizations, non-governmental organizations, faith-based groups, humanitarian actors who lack access, and those who continue to work on this issue in our own government. We have seen your reporting, your websites, your blogs, and your video postcards — you have made the plight of the children visible to us all. Your action represents the very best of American leadership around the world, and we are committed to working with you in pursuit of the future of peace and dignity that the people of who have suffered at the hands of the LRA deserve."
So I just wanted to thank everyone who spent alot of their time on Facebook annoying their friends with constant status updates, invites, tagging, and video blitzing. All those people that slept outside in the cold until a Senator released his hold on the bill. All of you we waited all 6 days in Chicago till you got rescued. All of you who rescue rode or rescue watched. All those epic dance parties on the Live Feed. All, two thousand, of you would went and lobbied to your congressmen in D.C. and made it the largest lobbying event on an African issue. All of you who signed the petitions. All of you who wrote, called, emailed, or visited your congressmen in your home town. Thanks!
We are getting so much closer to saying and seeing it really happen...
Together we ARE FREE!!!
And then watching... How it Ends.
Thanks again! I love all of you!
Invisible Children,
The REscue,
together we are free
Prayer and Fasting... Who Really Needs to do That?
So the past couple of weeks I have been going to IHOP, International House of Prayer in Kansas City, and well, I guess there has been one thing that's been in common. This lifestyle that all these people testifying about. This lifestyle of prayer and fasting.
The last time I was at IHOP was last Wednesday, May 19th, and well it was really evident what God was wanting me to do. I read this scripture from Matthew 9:16-17. It was just so interesting:
[No one uses a new piece of cloth to patch old clothes. The patch would shrink and tear a bigger hole.
No one pours new wine into old wineskins. The wine would swell and burst the old skins. Then the wine would be lost, and the skins would be ruined. New wine must be put into new wine skins. Both the skins and the wine will then be safe.]
I knew that if I kept living this life of secrecy. This life that not a lot of people know about. If I kept living this way I am like that old wineskin. No room to grow and take in what the Lord has to offer for me. If I kept my old ways, I could always go back and if I tried to take in more of the Lord and what He wants then who knows, I mean just 'burst' because I can't handle it. I may not even know what to do with the Lord has given me, or any of the great opportunity He given me share the talents He has given me.
That night, I finally learned what the Bride-groom Fast was. They, IHOP, fasts the first Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of the month, every month except for December. In December they fast the entire week of the OneThing Conference, which is the last week of December. All adding up to forty day of fasting in the year.
I never really took into consideration this part of my relationship with Christ and my heavenly Father. You know, I think I am ready for it. I ready for His joy and love to rule over my life. I am ready be a 'love-bomb' for Him.(read my other blog to know what a love-bomb is)
I have never really felt this amazing joy that I have seen in such godly people in my life. They are always loving and happy. So real. A real example of what it means to follow Christ with every breath of their life. I want to feel this joy.
I am definitely up for a new chapter in my life. This chapter of life I pray with last the rest of my life, but that I will take this prayer and fasting lifestyle to the next level.
I have really been diving into my Bible in a new way. All thanks to my friends at InterVarsity and my Sunday School, NarrowGate at Central Church. I have really been so excited to really dive into my Bible anytime of day or when ever.
So I hope that maybe you, too, will take this step with me. But if you aren't ready it's ok, but remember that prayer and fasting are important in the relationship with our heavenly Father. Just check out these scriptures.
Fasting is a form of worship: "Then was a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying" (Luke 2:37).
Fasting is a personal event: "When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you" (Matthew 6:16-18).
When Jesus was with the Disciples they didn't have to fast, but now that we wait for the return of Jesus we should fast, for Jesus is our Bridegroom. "They [Pharisees] said to him, 'John's disciples often fast and pray, and so do the disciples of the Pharisees, but yours go on eating and drinking.' Jesus answered, 'Can you make the guests of the bridegroom fast while he is with them? But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; in those days they will fast.'" (Matthew 9:14-15)
Praying for health: "David pleaded with God for the child. He fasted and went into his house and spent the nights lying on the ground" (2 Samuel 12:16)
Praying for safety: "There, by the Ahava Canal, I [Ezra] proclaimed a fast, so that we might humble ourselves before our God and ask him for a safe journey for us and our children, with all our possessions" (Ezra 8:21).
As an act of repentance: "When they had assembled at Mizpah, they drew water and poured it out before the LORD. On that day they fasted and there they confessed, "We have sinned against the LORD." And Samuel was leader of Israel at Mizpah" (1 Samuel 7:6).
As a sign of mourning: "They mourned and wept and fasted till evening for Saul and his son Jonathan, and for the army of the LORD and the house of Israel, because they had fallen by the sword" (2 Samuel 1:12).
Before making an important decision: "While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, 'Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.' So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off….Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust " (Acts 13:2-3; 14:23).
This is Laura, and I am armed and ready for the beginning of the new chapter of my life, and you invited to be apart of this story with me.
The last time I was at IHOP was last Wednesday, May 19th, and well it was really evident what God was wanting me to do. I read this scripture from Matthew 9:16-17. It was just so interesting:
[No one uses a new piece of cloth to patch old clothes. The patch would shrink and tear a bigger hole.
No one pours new wine into old wineskins. The wine would swell and burst the old skins. Then the wine would be lost, and the skins would be ruined. New wine must be put into new wine skins. Both the skins and the wine will then be safe.]
I knew that if I kept living this life of secrecy. This life that not a lot of people know about. If I kept living this way I am like that old wineskin. No room to grow and take in what the Lord has to offer for me. If I kept my old ways, I could always go back and if I tried to take in more of the Lord and what He wants then who knows, I mean just 'burst' because I can't handle it. I may not even know what to do with the Lord has given me, or any of the great opportunity He given me share the talents He has given me.
That night, I finally learned what the Bride-groom Fast was. They, IHOP, fasts the first Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of the month, every month except for December. In December they fast the entire week of the OneThing Conference, which is the last week of December. All adding up to forty day of fasting in the year.
I never really took into consideration this part of my relationship with Christ and my heavenly Father. You know, I think I am ready for it. I ready for His joy and love to rule over my life. I am ready be a 'love-bomb' for Him.(read my other blog to know what a love-bomb is)
I have never really felt this amazing joy that I have seen in such godly people in my life. They are always loving and happy. So real. A real example of what it means to follow Christ with every breath of their life. I want to feel this joy.
I am definitely up for a new chapter in my life. This chapter of life I pray with last the rest of my life, but that I will take this prayer and fasting lifestyle to the next level.
I have really been diving into my Bible in a new way. All thanks to my friends at InterVarsity and my Sunday School, NarrowGate at Central Church. I have really been so excited to really dive into my Bible anytime of day or when ever.
So I hope that maybe you, too, will take this step with me. But if you aren't ready it's ok, but remember that prayer and fasting are important in the relationship with our heavenly Father. Just check out these scriptures.
Fasting is a form of worship: "Then was a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying" (Luke 2:37).
Fasting is a personal event: "When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you" (Matthew 6:16-18).
When Jesus was with the Disciples they didn't have to fast, but now that we wait for the return of Jesus we should fast, for Jesus is our Bridegroom. "They [Pharisees] said to him, 'John's disciples often fast and pray, and so do the disciples of the Pharisees, but yours go on eating and drinking.' Jesus answered, 'Can you make the guests of the bridegroom fast while he is with them? But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; in those days they will fast.'" (Matthew 9:14-15)
Praying for health: "David pleaded with God for the child. He fasted and went into his house and spent the nights lying on the ground" (2 Samuel 12:16)
Praying for safety: "There, by the Ahava Canal, I [Ezra] proclaimed a fast, so that we might humble ourselves before our God and ask him for a safe journey for us and our children, with all our possessions" (Ezra 8:21).
As an act of repentance: "When they had assembled at Mizpah, they drew water and poured it out before the LORD. On that day they fasted and there they confessed, "We have sinned against the LORD." And Samuel was leader of Israel at Mizpah" (1 Samuel 7:6).
As a sign of mourning: "They mourned and wept and fasted till evening for Saul and his son Jonathan, and for the army of the LORD and the house of Israel, because they had fallen by the sword" (2 Samuel 1:12).
Before making an important decision: "While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, 'Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.' So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off….Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust " (Acts 13:2-3; 14:23).
This is Laura, and I am armed and ready for the beginning of the new chapter of my life, and you invited to be apart of this story with me.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Shoes for the Shoeless
Well this great, great, great company was founded by this American guy named Blake, and well he and, I believe, his friend went down to Argentina for some trip and noticed that the children down there didn't have shoes. So he started this company just so he could give these children that didn't have shoes a pair of shoes.
I know, so what makes this company different than all the other companies that give away shoes to the needy?
Well I am glad you asked. TOMS has this great campaign called "One for One." Well it's pretty much self explanitory. You buy a pair of TOMS shoes or any other merchandise that has the One for One by the item then you know that not only are you getting a pair of shoes or a t-shirt, but also you are purchasing a pair of shoes to go to a child that doesn't have a pair.
To me, I think it's more than giving children a pair a shoes. When you wear these shoes, a t-shirt, or a necklace, you are telling the story of hundreds of children around the world that don't have shoes. You are adovocating that there is more to life than high-priced, fashionable, uncomfortable shoes (which by the way, these shoes are extremely comfortable). There are people in this world that have it worse than us. Even some of us in the United States.
For me, I love going on mission trips, and well, if I went to a country then to a specific region that TOMS went to deliver shoes. Then while playing with the children notice that they are wearing a pair of TOMS and they see that I am wearing them. You know that like almost a instant connection. What if my purchase gave this child a pair of shoes. I don't think you could get that same feel from other companies. Not tearing them down, but that's why I support TOMS.
So for each pair of shoes bought through TOMS or a retailer of TOMS, you are providing shoes for a child that needs them.
How do they deliver these shoes? Do they just trust an individual in that state or country to handle the shoes and deliver them?
The answer is no. They actually have a group of volunteers that go with them to measure the children's feet and give them the right sized shoe. This event is called a "Shoe Drop." Which if you go to their YouTube page you will see that they just went to Rwanda with a group called RwandaBridge and they even took along with them, Kris Allen, American Idol winner. But watching the video of the shoe drop and smiles on those children's faces just makes my heart go so numb.
We take our life for granted. Today alone, I bought a new pair of TOMS, a new Bible, and I even got food. I mean I don't normally buy this much stuff in one day, but honestly I wasn't probably as happy as those children were in that short video they shot. I mean I was happy cause another child got a pair of shoes and that I was supporting another cause, World Vision by purchasing their Poverty based Bible.
When these children don't have shoes they contract so many diseases. Some of them can't even go to school just because they don't have shoes.
Every year, or even every semester, TOMS has a day of awareness. ONE DAY WITHOUT SHOES. Campuses, offices, churches, and individuals around the United States and the world go one day with out shoes to spread the awareness about the children in other countries and especially the United States. We inform people about the diseases these children and contract by not having shoes. We tell them that most of the diseases are 100% preventable just by having a pair of shoes. Some of us, even plan walks that go up to 3 miles long. Walking barefoot.
So the next time you go barefoot outside or see someone wearing a pair of TOMS think about the children out there in the world that don't have a pair of shoes. What are you going to do about it? Just stand there and hope someone will get that child a pair of shoes for you. Well don't count on it. If we all waited for people to do things for us, then nothing would get done. So check out TOMS website, and maybe even think about purchasing a pair of shoes or a t-shirt.
We are apart of a Global Community, so let's help our brothers and sisters.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
We Did It!
We did it!!!! Yesterday, the LRA and Northern Uganda Recovery Bill went on the House Floor and you know what? That bill passed Unanimously! It's totally awesome!
It's totally awesome because this bill is going to be on President Obama's desk really soon, and it would be silly for him to veto it, just because in both houses the bill passed unanimously. And it would a 2/3's majority from congress would cancel that veto. Which would totally rock!
Here is a video from Invisible Children's website:
We Did It
Congress Speaks on LRA
It's totally awesome because this bill is going to be on President Obama's desk really soon, and it would be silly for him to veto it, just because in both houses the bill passed unanimously. And it would a 2/3's majority from congress would cancel that veto. Which would totally rock!
Here is a video from Invisible Children's website:
We Did It
Congress Speaks on LRA
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
We Have Come So Far

I was able to be apart of Coalition at Shawnee Mission West High School. I was able to help organize our walk, which would symbolize the night commuters and the child soldiers of Northern Uganda. I was apart of the Schools for Schools that fall of 2008. We raised I think about $500 for schools for schools. I am not really sure.
But I do know that since that fall, or even the summer before that I really became interested and stopping this war and giving these children the life they deserve.
Now the spring of 2009, I believe took my obession another step further. Here, this year was my last year of high school and was all about culinary, planning on going to culinary school and opening up my very first cafe/coffeeshop. Even though I believe that's still one of my dreams, it's not as urgent. During this spring, Invisible Children had a rally called "the Rescue." This event took place in 100 cities, 10 countries, and all of us sharing one voice for these unseen children apart of an unseen and unwanted war. We walked in a line holding onto rope symbolizing the children being forced to go to "the bush." We then would stay out until we got rescued by the media and a mogul. While we waited we wrote to our senators and congressmen about this war and giving them a possible solution. Now, it took six days before every city was rescued. The last city was Chi-town, aka Chicago, and there we got rescued by Oprah herself.

This bill came just in time. The end of June came two days in Washington, D.C.. This time was to learn about the war and how it's being affected and also how we can better talk to our government officials. We worked so hard to come this far we didn't want to sound completely ignorant about what we were talking about. But we heard from a delegation from Uganda, the founders of Invisible Children, Resolve Uganda, and the Enough Project. This time was great. I finally got to meet a friend for the second time, a friend I met first on Youtube, then on Facebook. It was great. Absolutely great. That night we got over 30 cosponsorships, and we couldn't ask for a more successful day.
The bill then went to the Senator Foreign Affairs committee and passed unanimously.
Then the bill was to go to the Senate Floor and then it went on hold because of Senator Coburn. We peacefully protested outside his office in Oklahoma City for like alot 2 weeks. Then he released his hold and then the bill passed unanimously.
Then just a couple weeks ago, the bill passed through the House Foreign Affairs unanimously.
Then in the last picture is the agenda for the Floor on the senate tomorrow. As you can see it's on the floor. Ready to be voted on, and then it will be on President Obama's desk for the last signature.
Then it will be 180 days for President Obama to strategize the capture of Joseph Kony.
We have come soo far. I am excited to say that I applied to be a roadie for Invisible Children and hopefully will be honored to be apart of their organization.
Monday, May 10, 2010
What Time is it? Time to wait... and wait...
I was soo excited when I found out that in the fall that the fall tour is not only going to epically awesome with the competition of Schools for Schools, but they just mentioned that they will be sending adovocated from each school that is represented by the different regions of the country. I am sooo excited.
Ha can you tell that I am excited?!?
I have been thinking about this as a decision for a while now and well if I don't get it, I will apply until I do get the position honestly. Unless they tell me flat out that they don't want me
Think about it. Me. Going to schools, churches, anywhere we can get a screening. Tell people about the atrocities going on in Eastern Africa, but not only telling them the bad but also the good. Telling them that we, high school and college age students, have sent more money over to Uganda for education more than the US and the UN combined! How ridiculous is that. Getting people excited about raising money for these children. Living in a van, seeing the world from the eyes of the curious. Excited to see what around the next corner.
I know this is what God wants me to do. I have prayed about this for over a year now, and then some. I think I know, but I do know that God has every right to take it away from me if I loose sight of what this is really about.
So I ask all of you for prayer, that God will guide me to where he wants me to be and go.
"I will go, I will go, I will go, Lord send me, to the world, to the lost, to the poor and hungry, take everything I am, I'm clay within your hands, I will go, I will go Send me." - Starfield, "I Will Go"
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