I love everything from drawing, painting, to designing shirts. I love it all.
Now, there must be a reason, a muse, a inspirtation, or even favorite artist that has inspired me. And your right. There is.
Let's just say every where I look I see His art. I see his details. His penmenship. His brush strokes. Even in every person He sculpts, there seems to be alittle piece of Him in them. I have even noticed that He's has some works of me all over His walls.
Is it creepy? Some may say yes. But to me, I feel honored. I know that He even loves me so much that He paints, and sculpts for me. It's all special.
So who is this artist?
If you haven't guessed already. He is my God. Yahweh. Jesus Christ. Everything on this Earth is His creation. No matter how hard I try, my perspective and how I perceive His works in my work, will never be as great and beautiful it is in real life.
We, too, are apart of gallery. His gallery of His people. Each of us unique in every way. None the same. He has given us talents, different talents. Which is like His signature. The signature that He has given us to help spread His kingdom. Each of us different. Each of us reaching different people with different talents.
What is His signature in your life? How and when will you use His signature for His Kingdom?
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