Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Every Child Deserves To Live

Today radio stations, Air1 and K-Love, are working with Jars of Clay's charity, Blood:Water Mission. Today raising money, all going to building wells in Africa. These wells would give these children and their families clean drinking water. Water that will help them live, let them go to school. Why wouldn't they be able to go to school you may ask... well because clean water in some places are as far as ten or more miles away which would take all day and they would be forced to missed school. To learn more visit bloodwatermission.com

Today also my church, Central Church of the Nazarene, has 31 people in Swaziland right now. They are working with orphans and their familes that are affected with AIDS. Giving them food, water, and any other meds needed to live. I only wish that I could be there in Swaziland giving those children some love and attention which so many probably don't get. Go to your local church to find out where they are going on the next mission trip.

A couple weeks ago, President Obama signed a bill that would finally help the children of Northern Uganda, and Eastern Africa. This bill would help rebuild Northern Uganda because of all the war torn regions that happened because of the LRA. A strategy will be brought to the air soon to apprehend the rebel leader and all the leading commanders. These child soldiers will be able to go home and play outside without any worry about being abducted. They will soon go to a place where they will be loved again. I can't wait for this day.

Invisible Children in the fall has a program called Schools for Schools. This is 100 days of hardcore fundraising for the rebuilding of schools in Northern Uganda. Giving these children an education that they desire. An education that they use to help the children that are living this new life. Sadly, these schools used to be the best schools in Uganda but because of the LRA destroyed them. So you can help and you can get your school involved this fall by going to invisiblechildren.com

TOMS Shoes. I have blogged about them multiple times. Organized by a young man named Blake. This shoes are the same design as the farmers in Argentina. When you purchase a pair of shoes, they will donate another pair of shoes to a child that needs a pair. You see when they children get a pair of these shoes, they too can go to school. Some of the schools that the children go to require shoes so before they just couldn't go and get that education they want so badly. Without shoes these children are contract diseases. TOMS does these shoe drops everywhere from South America, Africa, and even here in the US. To learn more about this organization visit TOMSshoes.com

There is so much we take for granted here in the U.S. Clean water, shoes (for most of us most likely have more than one pair of shoes), school (some even get to go to a private school), and loving people around us. While most of us have these things some of our children still aren't as lucky.

I have just recently found out about an organization called Stand Up For Kids. Every year the famous band, Switchfoot, has this benefit surf contest/ concert for this organization in Encinitas, CA. This organization is all about kids as you can guess by the theme of my blog and the name of the organization. This organization tries to make a difference of the lives of the at-risk, homeless, and street-kids. According to thier website, " StandUp For Kids helps homeless youth tackle some of their everyday obstacles and work towards a life off the streets. From basic necessities such as food, clothing, and hygiene to resources for housing, employment, and education, StandUp For Kids counselors use an open, straightforward and caring counseling approach to help kids reach their full potential." Which to me sounds great and I can't wait to get involved with this organization. To learn more visit standupforkids.org

So as you can very well see that children are children. They look the same, they grow the same way. The only really big difference is where they come from. That shouldn't keep them from getting the clean water, education, and shoes that we so desperately take for granted. I know there are many other organizations out there that help these children, but I just wanted to point out some verses in the Bible that are directed epescially for and to kids.

"And learn to live right. See that justice is done. Defend widows and orphans and help those in need." Isaiah 1:17

"Children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord." Psalm 127: 3

"'Let the children come to me! Don't try to stop them. People who are like these little children belong to the kingdom of God. I promise you that you cannot get into God's kingdom, unless you accept it the way a child does."' Mark 10:14-15

"Our God, from your sacred home you take care of orphans and protect widows. You find families to those who are lonely. You set prisoners free and let them prosper," Psalm 68:5-6

I challenge you to take a look at the children in your life and then look at the ones across the street or across the ocean and see how you can help. Sponsor a child, write to them or even better to them with your children with World Vision. Or sponsor a baby who has been abdandoned and can't live through Holt International. Sign up to donate monthly through the Legacy Scholarship Fund with Invisible Children, by providing them education and a mentor that will be with them and help them pursue their goals. Buy a pair of shoes and donate a pair at the same time. Maybe buy a pair from TOMS and give it to a kid in your neighborhood who needs it, then tell them that another kid has a pair just like theirs in another country. Whatever you decide to do, don't forget the children of the world.

"To all the people who are fighting for the broken,
all the people who keep holding onto love,
all the people who are reaching for the lonely,
keep changing the world"
- "Keep Changing the World" Mikeschair ft. Lecrae

1 comment:

Bekah said...

Wow, I didn't realize kids didn't get to go to school without shoes. Which would make sense, with the health issues, etc.

Great eye-opening post to the world's children in need, Laura! =)