Monday, November 9, 2009

Update about Invisible Children

I totally forgot about my blog. How could I forget about my blog?!?!

Well I couldn't help buy notice that the last blog up was about The Rescue. That is just over 6 months ago. And alot has happened since then.

First of all there was lobby days and we lobbied a bill, called the "LRA Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act of 2009." This bill would require the Obama Administration to come up with a strategy to apprehend Joseph Kony. In the bill, there would be funding to help rebuild Northern Uganda and any other areas affected by the LRA. This lobbying event was the largest lobby event on an African Issue in this nation's history and I was a part of that. How EPIC! During that day we got 80 cosponsorships.

Now Schools for Schools, semester time. This semester our goal is to get President Obama to make a statement about the war of Northern Uganda. So Invisible Children is trying to get 250,000 signatures. You can help by going to Right now we have about 100,000 and we only need 150,000 more. I know that we can do it.

Last week, the commander in the LRA in charge of the Christmas Masacre surrendered. So that was really awesome. Slowly but surely things are starting look good.

I just find it really interesting that the commanders and slowing coming out and surrendering, it almost seems that they are getting alittle tired of this as well.

Well tomorrow, November 10, committees are voting on the LRA Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act of 2009. *fingers crossed* that it passes.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Rescue

On April 25th, 2009, thousands of people in hundreds of cities around the world are going to abduct themselves from their homes to represent the thousands of children that were abducted by the LRA, Lord's Resistance Army, in Northern Uganda. We are going to be meeting at an "Abduction site" and then walk 1-3 miles depending on the city, in a single file line. This will represent the children walking to the "Bush" or "LRA Camp," this too is where we will be going. We aren't going to be leaving the "LRA Camp" until we get enough media attention, and someone of mass cultural influence comes and "Rescues" us. This event is called "The Rescue"

Joseph Kony, the Rebel Army leader is in charge of the causing the longest running war in Africa. He has masecred so many people, and has abducted over 30,000 children into his rebel army. These children are forced to kill, and abduct other children into the LRA, at a very young age. These kids face danger around every corner. If they are seen crying in the "Bush" they will be killed. They are multilated and murded in front of the other children to teach them a lesson that if they were to do what the ones that got hurt did, that it would happen to them.

This is where you can help... watch the rescue video and check out the invisible children website. They post peace updates and the progress of the war and the new rally the rescue.

and for general information visit


We want as many people at this event as possible.
I hope you can make it to an event... there is bound to be one near you.