Thursday, November 18, 2010

What Does Worship Look Like To You?

What does WORSHIP look like to you?

Does it include dancing in your underwear? Giving all that you have? Journalling? Singing? Playing instruments? Writing poetry? Painting? Drawing? Talking? Lying in complete awe and adoration? 10,000 strong singing together woshipping the God most high? Telling others about how much you love God? Acting? Blogging? Making videos? Writing stories? Writing music?

You probably get it.

I know for me personally, worshipping this amazing God includes: painting, designing shirts, drawing, singing, listening to music, praying, journalling, worshipping with others, dancing, and just sitting or laying in awe of God's glory.

What makes you want to worship this amazing God of ours?

Nature? Friends? Ending results of events? What you read in the Bible? Having things you need or overlooked? Someone coming to Christ?

I know for me, it's almost anything. Mainly nature gets me everytime. There's just sooo much details in nature to think that a God so ominimous would create things with such detail to the tiniest detail. I see things as  a painting sometimes. Almost quite literally, especially the sky, I feel that it's a painting and I can see every little paint stroke that created the clouds in the sky from every vibrant color. The beautiful leaves around this time of year and the flowers of the spring. The smiles and laughter on little kids faces. It just makes my heart smile. When something for the best turns to praise God, I can't help but do the same.

How could you not praise a God that gives you breath everyday? A place to sleep. Shoes to wear. Food to eat... even if it's not the best food. An education. Friends. Family, even if we don't like them. Talents. Walking. Speaking. Sight. Hearing.

I'm Glad... Very Glad My Friends Aren't Blobs

You've heard it before, "If were all blobs, life would be good, no one would make fun of other people, no one would look richer or poorer than the other... etc, etc." Well I think that's wrong, some if not most think it's wrong too.

I am glad my friends weren't blobs. We wouldn't have the conversations we do, we wouldn't be pushing others as far as we do, we wouldn't have talents that when combined is like a frickin' amazing painting or beautiful symphony.

You some of you hear my talking about my other friends and how sometimes they can be a little annoying at times. AND hey don't get mad at me, cause I know you think I am annoying at times too! I like that though.

A good friendship, I believe is going to have fights and trials. It's life. Without trials, you probably wouldn't grow much as a person and you wouldn't know what you as a person or a friendship is capable of.

You are my friend, and there's no way that we exactly the same or it would be boring, honestly. Just be you and no one else. If God loves you for you, then I love you for you!